Getting Real

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Yeah, they'd moved out of the friend-zone. But they were also at a stand-still. Kind of suspended in time. If Louis wanted to pursue this relationship with Harry, he'd have to somehow put aside his fears about the homophobes out there in the world. He knew one thing for sure—he wasn't willing to give Harry up.

Presently, Louis didn't know if he should put the moves on Harry, or leave him alone. How would he know when the time had come? Should he leave it all on Harry's shoulders?

Going to the gym regularly, Harry was looking even hotter than when Louis had met him. Just what he needed, more temptation. He knew he should compliment him, but how to put it without it sounding like a come-on?

It had to sound sincere to Harry's ears.

"You're really startin' to get some definition," he blurted one night as they were leaving the gym.

"I am?"



Well, that had gone real well. NOT. Harry clearly sensed there was still something wrong. That was why he was being so tight-lipped. Normally, this compliment would have delighted Harry. To be fair, Louis knew he should tell him about what Brooke's uncle had said, but just couldn't bring himself to do it.

When they walked in the apartment door, Harry was suddenly all over him. Louis didn't know what had hit him. Harry actually backed him up against the wall, his fingers digging into Louis' waist, trying to pull him closer . . . closer. Then he was ravishing his neck with a hungry mouth. Oh my God! It felt so good that Louis felt paralyzed, and all the blood was shooting directly to his dick.

At first Louis thought he was playing. "What're you onto, Styles?"

Harry seemed to deflate. His eyes went dull. He took two steps backward to give Louis room.

"Nothin,'" he murmured.

That was when Louis comprehended that Harry had been serious. Dead serious. Okay, so he'd fucked up again. And really badly this time, because Harry was vulnerable right now. He needed positive reinforcement considering Louis had been acting sulky and stroppy lately. Harry must feel really foolish.

"I thought . . . I thought you were foolin' 'round. I didn't realize—"

"Forget it. No big deal."

Harry hadn't been hooking Louis' ankle with his own when on the couch anymore, and also hadn't been cuddling up to him or asking for a "kissy."

The time had come to where Louis had to say something, so he decided to be as honest as he possibly could. "By the way, you really turned me on, in case you didn't know. And . . . I'm a sulkin' fool! I've been makin' you suffer, tellin' you nothin' was wrong, when there was sommat wrong."

Exhibiting a sudden spark of interest, Harry gazed at him, curiosity bright in those clear emerald eyes, yet he was still hesitant. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I'm not bein' fair. I told meself I'd never lie to you, and I haven't, but I haven't told you all the truth either. You see, Brooke's Uncle Phil made a remark about you and me when we were over there the day I fixed her computer."

Harry's jaw dropped. He waited for the rest of the story.

"That's why I went to bed early that night, and that's why I've been such a bastard. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid it would cause trouble with Brooke and her uncle, and maybe our friendship with her."

"What kind of remark was it?"

Louis had been expecting Harry to ask, as Harry always wanted all the details.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now