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"This is quite lovely. Here at home, in private, without all those randy horn dogs," Louis said while in his dream-like state in between long, drawn-out, sensual kisses.

"I agree. I was so proud to be with you."

Louis felt his heart swell and do that little twist it did when Harry complimented him.

"And I was proud to be with you. Proper lit, even with those heathens checkin' you out like you were a piece of meat. Or rather, a very fine piece of steak. Filet Mignon."

Harry giggled and began kissing his neck. Louis thought his knees would buckle.

Much more of this, and Louis feared he'd have permanent blue balls.

"I was wonderin.' If we're gonna be friends with Brooke and Aaron, why don't we ask them out to eat sometime?" Harry asked.

Louis felt a cold chill prickle on his skin, and he didn't like it. He knew he shouldn't automatically think of Brooke's uncle when Harry brought up Brooke and Aaron, but that's just what he'd done. The man had come to his mind instantly, and it irked him.

Well, he wasn't going to let that bastard get any more satisfaction. If Harry wanted to be friends with them—and Louis did too, then they'd be friends. Uncle Phil wasn't going to ruin it.

"Sure!" he said. "I bet they'd like a buffet."

"Yeah, a buffet would be perfect! Wicked!"

They planned to call Brooke and Aaron in the next few days to invite them, and Louis found he was looking forward to it. What were the chances Uncle Phil would be around, anyway? He didn't live there, after all. And he doubted he was there daily.

As they straightened up the living room of scattered newspapers and magazines that Louis had left strewn around, stacking them neatly, Harry kept running into Louis. Physically. At first, Louis thought he was just being clumsy, but it kept happening. Every time Harry brushed up against him, Louis felt the hot flames of desire flaring in his veins.

"Hey, it's pretty bad when someone bumpin' against you turns you on," he said to Harry, who had an impish look on his face. He knew what he'd been doing.

As Harry led Louis to the bedroom, his eyes looked different. There was an extra glow that wasn't there before, and Louis was pretty sure he saw hunger in that glow.

"What's up, Haz?"

"Oh, tonight, watchin' those guys on the dance floor, and feelin' desirable, and also seein' guys look at you," replied Harry. "All of that goin' on at once got me thinkin' how lucky I am to have you, and the way you understand me."

"Wait now, you just said about a hundred things," laughed Louis.

"Well, okay, um," Harry began bashfully. "I got hot watchin' guys on the dance floor. And then I felt desirable because guys were comin' onto me, then I saw guys checkin' you out too. So it made me appreciate 'us' even more than I already did."

Louis felt warmth spread over him like hot butter over popcorn. He could understand the appeal the place had had for Harry. Sure, the place was sleazy, but it had somehow cemented them together, made them want to be alone together after seeing it, and knowing they weren't part of that scene. They didn't want to be at a gay bar, getting groped and who knows what else. Just a taste of it had been all that was necesssary. They knew what awaited them at home.

Bed together. Lots of making out, safe in each other's arms.

Louis got it. It was spicy, and it spiced things up for them. Not that they needed it. They didn't need it at all. They got high on each other. Still, it had been a turn-on, and Harry knew he could look forward to being sexual with Louis, the one who already meant so much to him, without worrying about what might happen at a bar. Not having to look for love anywhere but at home with your loved one.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now