It's the Little Things

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Louis was hoping that in this romantic setting at Black's Beach, Harry might become even more receptive to him. So he was going to try to get him to open up a little more tonight.

Their room was quaint, as was the motel. It wasn't your usual run-of-the-mill motel. It was special--family owned, and offered more than most chain motels. It was light and airy, quite large yet homey, the bedspread milky white with tassels in an almost-bohemian style. A wrought iron light fixture that was multi-colored hung above the bed. There was even a boho rainbow rug on the hardwood floor at the foot of the bed that they both got a kick out of. The wooden floor itself smacked of the hippie era, purposely made to look weathered. It had everything from tan right down to very dark brown accents. It really was charming, and conducive to romance for sure.

The large bathroom almost took their breath away the first time they saw it. It featured an old-fashioned claw foot tub, but all the windows and plants were what caught the eye immediately, and gave it a sultry jungle look. All the greenery . . .The trailing vines hanging from pots affixed to the walls, along with a huge colorful croton plant and succulents on the counter tops. The sunlight shone through gently, making the room bright and cheery. Louis didn't mind at all that there wasn't a shower. He could see the two of them sharing the tub quite happily, and having some sensual times in it. Bathrobes and slippers were provided. There was a coffee pot, microwave and small refrigerator. It might not be a hotel, but the little extras it offered were quite charming and unique. The hominess was the most pleasing feature.

"Atmosphere," said Harry, summing it up in one word. "That bathroom has a romantic atmosphere. Really, the whole room does. What did you say when you reserved it?"

Louis grinned. "That I wanted a king size bed with a few extra touches. Luckily, being family owned, they could accommodate me."

"What are the extra touches?" Harry asked.

"You'll see," Louis said cryptically.

"I suppose this room is for lovers? Did we just get lucky, or are all the rooms like this?" Harry wondered.

"I really don't know what the other rooms are like. Maybe each one is different—depending on what a person wants."

"I get that feeling too. Kinda custom."

When Harry turned back the covers, the crisp white sheets were so inviting, and a few red rose petals were scattered on the pillowcases. He soon found out they were also sprinkled in the bathtub and even in the toilet! He found pre-made hot chocolate (which he suspected was homemade) next to the coffee pot. Two cups accompanied the packages so they could pop them into the microwave.

"I wasn't sure about the rose petals, but the hot chocolate I know you special ordered! It's summer!" Harry laughed.

"You're right. No one in their right mind would be drinkin' hot chocolate this time of year. . . except you. Do you want to rest a while, or go get an early dinner?" asked Louis.

"Let's go eat. I'm starvin.'"

"Order in? Or go out?"

"Too many questions! But I'm tired from the drive and the sun kinda drained me, so why don't we order in? Do they do that here? Like room service?"

"Unfortunately, no. But they did tell me on the phone that local restaurants will deliver. What do you want?"

"Surprise me."

"Sick! Let's order straight away!" Louis was liking this relative luxury as much as Harry was. Harry went and sat outside on a bench overlooking a beautiful little garden while Louis called to order their dinner.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now