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They made love slowly, licking the salt off each other's skin and sighing, the joy of it bringing them solace after the misunderstanding they'd had. Louis didn't think Harry was capable of holding a grudge. Now that Harry understood Louis' point of view, he was right back on track again, cuddling, cooing, and touching Louis' face with tender fingers, tracing his jawline and cheeks as if he worshipped him.

Louis' voice was unexpectedly hoarse when he spoke.

"I really like this. The way we seem to feel what the other feels, and sometimes read each other's minds. I like the freedom of complete honesty. I've never had it before with anyone."

"It must be freein' for you."

"It is," Louis smiled at Harry's perceptiveness. "I can be meself; same thing you say about yourself. It just took me a hell of a lot longer!"

True, Harry had probably always been true to himself. Louis had only recently realized the benefits—not only to himself, but to other people he communicated with. But mainly Harry. He continued to use caution not to offend Harry, but if he used the right words, and was considerate, he felt he could more or less tell Harry anything. Harry was so forgiving and really made an effort to get into his head.

Louis reached down and took both their cocks in his hand, stroking gently. Their pre-come was more than enough lubrication. Harry, eyes wide, moved his hips because it felt so good, and he really couldn't help it anyway, and they were soon in a rhythm. A rhythm that built to a faster pace, and soon had them both gasping. Louis used his free hand to caress Harry's balls, causing more gasps of delight.

"Oh my God, Lou," Harry panted with his head thrown back. Completely uninhibited. Louis adored that. He looked like a wild man with the long hair and fateful green eyes. But such a beautiful wild man. He wanted to photograph Harry, film him, in these moments of complete abandon and pleasure. Most of all, he wanted the images imprinted on his brain. Harry was so sexy yet pure looking; the two traits blending together, and Louis thought he'd never seen a person so perfect.

"Faster?" asked Louis, his pupils huge, his "I wanna eat you up" look dominating his face.

"Yeah," Harry forced the words out because he was putting everything into throwing himself into the feeling.

Louis' hand was flying now, and both their cocks hardened even more than they already were, at the same time. So Louis had ample warning that they were going to come very close together.

When they finally burst, Louis opened his mouth, catching stream after stream. He didn't even know who's stream it was—or maybe both of them, but he didn't care. He was that turned on.

Harry was shocked, but being in the middle of coming, he didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. It just made his orgasm that much more intense to see Louis doing something so wickedly sexy.

Afterwards, they both had to catch their breaths. It had taken everything out of them. Loud panting filled the room.

Harry was finally able to talk after some minutes. "Did you . . . did you, um, I mean, I think you got both!" he was staring at Louis as if he was some kind of phenomenon.

"Tasted damn good, that's all I know," Louis wiped the come from the rest of his face after grabbing a tissue from the nightstand.

"What do you call that?" Harry asked.

Louis laughed. "I don't know. I really don't think there's a word or expression for it. I've never done it with anyone before. All I know is that it was hot as fuck!"

He went to kiss Harry, and Harry pulled back playfully. "You probably still have mine in your mouth," and he made a face.

"What, you don't mind mine, but you don't want yours?" Louis teased him. "Harry, it's erotic."

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now