Uneven Emotion

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The next day they went to buy Harry a bed and his own dresser and night stand. Standing there, watching Harry try out beds, Louis was more amused than embarrassed. The salesmen seemed to get a kick out of him when he bounced and tried out a variety of positions.

After what seemed like a very long time, Harry decided on a queen size pillow-top bed. They made arrangements for it to be delivered, then went a few stores over and Harry found a dresser and nightstand that he liked. Louis approved of his choices, because, of course, they always seemed to have the same tastes.

"Happy times!" chortled Louis as they walked out of the store after arranging to have the other pieces delivered as well. "I'm glad that's over with." He had been afraid Harry would be super picky and would keep changing his mind, being fickle about the purchases.

"That bed is wicked, isn't it?" asked Harry, seeking Louis' blessing.

"I reckon I rather like it meself," admitted Louis. "It's proper sick lookin' and comfortable too."

Yes, Louis had tried the bed out. He'd waited until Harry wasn't on it, of course. With his luck, Harry would be liable to cuddle up in front of the salesmen, no less.

Next they went and got Harry a nice thick sherpa comforter. It would also serve as a bedspread, since it was very attractive by itself. It was a rich cocoa brown, and it made you want to bury your hands into its plush furry softness. It would certainly keep Harry warm.

As they made their way back to the Rover, a turquoise camaro drove through the parking lot, and Louis felt his blood heat up. He knew that car. It was Joe's, the guy from Harry's ex-band.

"Hey, there's that asshole Joe," Louis said to Harry. Joe stepped on the gas, and soon all they could see was Joe's middle finger sticking up near the roof of the car as he burned rubber out of the parking lot. Harry and Louis both laughed. The guy had been too much of a pussy to even stop and harass them.

"Real mature, that one," Louis said drily.

Although Joe didn't seem to pose much of a threat, Louis still worried about Harry when he was out alone. And he still kept an eye on people around them at all times. Careful not to be obvious, he stayed aware, and encouraged Harry to do the same. Fortunately, Harry took it seriously and acceded to Louis' request.

Harry still hadn't decided on a band. To make things awkward, Joe and the other two had been sniffing around two of the bands they thought Harry was likely to join. And the members of those bands didn't hesitate to tell Harry. Harry apologized for their behavior, and hoped it wouldn't hamper his chances of joining. But the other musicians were so eager to get Harry in their bands that the troublemakers didn't seem to have much of an impact.

Harry had heard his old band, Clockwork, was looking for another lead singer, and so far, had not been successful. They were bitter. He heard these things through the grapevine when he interviewed band prospects. And interviewing was really the only way to distinguish what Harry was doing, because all of the bands wanted him. They'd heard him sing, seen him perform, and it was just a matter of Harry deciding which band he wanted to join.

Harry would always go home and run everything by Louis after interviewing a band, telling of their merits, any downfalls, and what personalities the band members possessed. They discussed the musical talents of each band, the positives and negatives of joining said band; discounting some for various reasons, and keeping others cataloged for further consideration. Harry needed to make a decision soon; not so much for financial reasons, because he still had plenty of money, but because he was missing music so much. It was an essential part of him. No matter how often he listened to it, it could never take the place of actually singing and performing himself. He missed the stage, the excitement, the audience's reactions—all of it.

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