A Dozen Flavors

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Harry was sure making exceptions lately. He was amenable to all the chocolate they'd bought at the mall today, and now he had no complaints about going out for hot chocolate just because Louis had a craving. Or maybe it was the fact that Louis looked out of sorts because he felt sorry for Shortcake's owner, and that was why Harry took pity on him. Neither one really had any idea.

Harry studied the menu at the charming, quaint little shop that sold hot chocolate exclusively. He was really committing himself to making the right choice. Louis saw it in his concentration. Just one of many ridiculously cute habits of his.

"Cinnamon sounds good, but then so does mint," Harry murmured, half to himself and half to Louis. Judging by the wrinkles in his forehead, Louis would have sworn Harry was making a stock market choice, or deciding on the odds of a horse winning a race. It was adorable.

"Then get both. Actually, I kind of like the sound of raspberry," was Louis' input.

"Me too. Oh hey, look! You can buy a variety pack of powder!" Harry was really excited now. The variety pack consisted of a dozen flavors, with two packs of each flavor. It was obviously meant for lovers, as there were hearts all over the package. Harry conveniently ignored this feature.

"Ah, just perfect," Louis semi-mocked the choice Harry had made. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em was becoming a frequent state of mind for him lately. Harry acted as if he had just won some coveted prize instead of merely anticipating buying multi-flavored hot chocolate mix.

The cashier looked at each young man alternately, and Louis could almost feel what she was thinking. As Harry peered about the shop, his gaze settled on two black mugs with matching hearts of all sizes on them, and Louis knew he had to draw a line. He grabbed his arm and jerked him back from whatever musings he was entertaining.

"Ready to go now?" Louis asked, putting on a bit of an exaggerated masculine air. He didn't fool the cashier, as she was smiling dreamily at them.

Harry tried to pay, but Louis all but slapped his hand away. "Next time," he said, with it being the only way he could get Harry to relent.

Back at home, Harry bounced into the kitchen to make them each a cup.

"What flavor do you want?" he shouted to Louis, who was on the couch.

"Surprise me."

"Okay. But I'll give us both the same flavor so we can experience it together."

Louis shook his head, fighting off a smile. So he and Harry would critique hot chocolate flavors together he supposed. And actually, it didn't sound too bad to him either. He felt rather foolish about it, yet he knew it would be a fun experience, and that was simply because Harry was involved.

Harry came in and set the steaming mugs down on the coffee table.

"This is the caramel," he said, sipping his and relishing the liquid as he swished it around in his mouth. "I think you're a bad influence," he said, dimples teasing Louis mercilessly. He then hummed as he enjoyed the flavor. Louis tried not to watch, because it seemed every time Harry ate or drank something he really liked, he unwittingly turned it into a sensual experience.

"As far as chocolate, you mean?" asked Louis skeptically.

Harry nodded.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Harry asked as he switched on the telly.

"Sure." Louis figured he could sit through a movie for Harry.

Harry started channel surfing. "You don't have many movie channels. Oh, but here's one that's just startin.' Let's see. It's called Brokeback Mountain. Ever seen it? I haven't."

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now