Making Up

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Harry suddenly and abruptly seemed to collapse, like someone had kicked him behind the knees, and Louis watched on in astonishment as he crumpled onto the floor, laughing his head off. Had he taken leave of his senses? Louis eyed him surreptitiously. But he soon discovered it was just relief. Harry had been so tense all week, and now, knowing that things would be alright again caused him to finally relax, and thus laugh hysterically. It was his way of letting the tension go.

So without hesitating, Louis dropped to the floor as well, and they rolled around, wrestling and laughing—just celebrating the fact that they had argued and pouted for no good reason, and yet they were just as drawn to each other as ever. It was suddenly clear that there was nothing wrong with their relationship. They were still in love, and planned to stay together. They had all but pledged it to each other earlier.

The horse play continued for a few minutes, and at some point, Louis found himself on top of Harry. Louis wondered if time had stopped when they both became motionless in unison. Things got silent as they once again engaged in gazing into each other's eyes. It was almost too intense. Harry could see right into Louis' clear-as-the-sky blue eyes, and gazed in wonder at their beauty. Most importantly, he saw sincerity there, along with undisguised affection.

He loved the fact that they'd created a slow burn. The build-up was extra strong because they'd hardly communicated, much less touched for a week, and then last night they'd held each other with no sex involved. He knew it would make things even more incredible when they finally made love again. Louis was all about the build-up, and had had no trouble coaxing Harry into loving it too. But he also hoped he'd proved to Harry that he loved just being with him, whether or not sex was involved.

When they kissed, Harry was so hungry that he let himself slip into a trance where only himself and Louis resided. Feeling Louis' lips on his again, a thousand fantasies that Harry had harbored night after night were becoming reality. He hadn't for a minute forgotten the taste, the cushioned, moist feeling of Louis' lips as they brushed against his, then massaged; kept working at them until he opened up. He progressed extra slowly, almost languidly.Warmth enveloped Harry as the kiss deepened. He felt as if Louis would surely devour him. The longer they kissed, the harder Harry got until it felt as if he would climax if they continued. Just from a kiss. It blew his mind, how Louis affected him. It just kept building and building until he felt he couldn't take anymore without combusting.

"Lou, I'm . . . " he didn't know how to finish the sentence.

"I know Haz. Same here. I'm about to lose me fuckin' shit too."

So Louis knew, and felt it too. Was his urgency as great as Harry's" At least Harry knew he wasn't alone. Louis hugged him hard and made sure Harry felt the affection. Genuine affection, with no agendas involved. No attempts at anything sexual.

It occurred to Louis that it didn't matter if they didn't make love tonight. It was Harry's presence that he wanted more than anything. Just to be near him. He needed him with a passion that wouldn't be silenced. His closeness, his warmth. Passion could be so much more than sex. It could expand into all areas of a relationship. He'd read that somewhere before, but he fully understood it now that Harry had come into his life. Always before, it had just been sex—satisfying a physical need. Nothing that was anything like this longing, this sweet ache.

Louis couldn't remember a time he'd sat next to a guy with no sex involved, and been at ease. But it came so naturally with Harry.

Harry soaked up the hug and gave every bit as much as he received. He thought of all the things about Louis that held him captive.

He could keep writing rock ballads for Louis. The audience loved his ballads, and most of them, through word of mouth, knew he was gay. It pleased him to no end to know that the audience last night had to know the ballad had been for Louis. Louis had been present at the shows for the last several weeks, and Harry sat with him on his break, so the fans had to have put two and two together.

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