Hot Chocolate and Suspicions

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Still deep in thought, Harry didn't notice Louis, now out of the dog park and walking the dogs toward him until the animals were only a few feet away.

He jumped back. Blackjack, the lumbering Lab, strained toward him at the end of the leash, tail wagging, mouth open as if he was smiling, and panting happily, pink tongue and all. Harry's heart jumped into his throat, and it was all he could do not to start running. Instead, he walked away as quickly as he could manage with his soreness, trying to ignore the agony from last night's work-out.

Well, at least the dogs were taking his mind off Brooke and her question about them being gay, reflected Louis. It was nearing the limit of his capacity to even look at Harry after that experience. He hoped to God he never ran into Brooke again.

Keeping the dogs well behind Harry, who kept casting timid glances over his shoulder, Louis returned the dogs to their homes, with Harry always waiting on the far side of the owner's yard. But there was progress. Harry was getting much closer to the dogs than he had in the past. Louis had visions of Harry going with him, walking beside him, enjoying the day, talking and keeping him company. Maybe some day.

"You yelled at me about gettin' a battery for me Rover!" Harry complained, a resentful look on his face.
"You're a hypocrite!" He was busy examining Louis' tires.

Louis whirled around, alarmed that Harry would have such an outburst.


Then he saw Harry studying his tires. Oh well; no way around this. Bald tires spoke for themselves.

"Hey, just because I got on your ass about your battery, that's no bloody reason to call me a hypocrite!" Louis was on the defensive, because it was second nature to him. Besides, he didn't like to be called names.

"But you are!" Harry's bright green eyes were stormy. "If I'd only known you had bald tires, I could have defended meself. I wouldn't have felt like such a wanker."

"I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I was only worried about you."

Harry pouted slightly.

Looking to show Harry he was sorry without actually having to say it, Louis thought he'd make an offer, making it sound a little bit like a plea.

"Okay, how about this. Will you go with me in the mornin' to get some tires?" he asked, hoping to wipe that pitiful look off Harry's beautiful face. Harry had been created to smile, not brood. Louis considered it a complete waste when Harry didn't at least grin a little. A few crumbs provided by those dimples took the edge off his hunger, made his heart lighten. He was getting entirely too fond of him.

In the morning, they drove to the tire shop, Harry following Louis in the Rover. The place was very busy, and they were told it would be a few hours, so they took off in the Rover to see what might occupy them for a while. Going anywhere with Harry was an adventure. He could make the dreariest of errands seem like a rare kind of fun.

They approached an intersection and the light was red. There was a very attractive young guy waiting to cross the street. He was nicely dressed too. Louis carefully watched Harry out of his peripheral vision. Harry looked the guy over briefly, but then his eyes came right back to Louis' own eyes. Well, Louis kind of liked that. But then, it could be that Harry wasn't interested in guys in general. He hadn't asked Harry if he was asexual. It wouldn't be appropriate to bring it up though, unless the conversation had already been on that subject. Plus, it might make Harry suspicious.

Harry began to go on about Louis' bedroom again—an almost daily occurrence.

"I don't feel right stayin' in your bedroom. Can't we at least divide it equally?"

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now