Black's Beach

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"You said the curtains in the livin' room are open?" asked Harry.

"Yeah," Louis answered. "What about it?"

Harry looked down at his hands, terribly bashful for a moment, and then he blurted the words out.

"That's kinda excitin.'"

At first, Louis wasn't sure what he meant, but the realization hit him a moment later. Louis was well versed in sex, and there weren't many things he hadn't at least heard about.

"Why? You wanna walk out there naked? Into the livin' room?" he asked.

"Does it turn you on?" Harry returned.

"Well, now that I think about it, yeah, a little." Louis was fibbing just a little bit. It did turn him on, and not a little, but a lot. So Harry got off on showing his body? That was seriously hot. The only problem he could see with it, unfortunately, was a big one.
Someone reporting it, or the land lord seeing it. Either way, Harry could end up in jail.

Louis struggled with how to inform Harry of the possible consequences. He was pretty sure Harry had to be aware of the danger, but he didn't want to make him feel foolish by being overly blunt.

"You know, Hazza, you gotta be careful with that kind of thing," he hazarded to say.

"Yeah," Harry looked thoughtful, and also a tad disappointed. "If a girl did that, nobody would say anythin.' But with a guy, it's a whole different ball game, yeah?"

"Yeah, I get what you're sayin.' But . . . maybe sometime . . . somewhere, we could arrange sommat. Know what I mean?"

Harry's face lit up like a light bulb.

"But how would we keep from gettin' caught . . . by the wrong person?"

"Oh, there's ways of makin' sure the party watchin' is wantin' to watch, and that there's no one else around that might blow the whistle on us."

Harry's eyes flicked away from Louis' out of pure embarrassment.

"Don't think there aren't plenty of other people who have had fantasies like that," Louis reassured him. "They just don't talk about it. Frankly, I'm massively thrilled you're a lot less inhibited than I thought you were when I met you. Even now, you just keep surprisin' me. Any other preferences, or . . . fetishes?" All Louis' attention was on Harry, curious of what Harry might say.

"Nothin' that stands out at the moment except for . . . what you just mentioned, but I bet there are others . . . "

"That we can discover?" Louis asked, finishing Harry's thoughts. "That's arousin' all by itself."

"Yeah, and maybe someday I can stop gettin' embarrassed."

"Sex drive is natural. You know that. I wouldn't mind at all, makin' some of your fantasies come true."

"Do you have any?" Harry asked.

"Well, I wasn't quite honest with you a minute ago. And we promised we would be. So I'll tell you that what you said about walkin' into the livin' room naked really got me fired up."

"And does it turn you on, if . . . you were to do it yourself?"

"Yeah, yeah it does."

Harry looked gratified, and just a little proud of himself.

"So," he said. "You weren't completely honest. Why didn't you admit it straight away? That it turned you on?"

"Maybe I was just a touch embarrassed meself."

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now