Kissing in the Shadows

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Kissy? Really?

Now what to do?

Harry sitting there, all demure and looking expectant. Louis didn't want to hurt him by rejecting his request, but no way in hell was he going to do it in front of a backyard full of people!

"Harry, you know I want to, but you must also know I can't do it right here. Later, at home?"

That mischievous expression played on Harry's face. "I can't wait," he said.

Great. That simple comment made Louis even more eager to get Harry alone.

Their exchange was hushed, and they weren't close enough to anyone else to be heard. And that is when the conversation began to lean toward sensuality. Two could play at this game.

"You'll like it, Haz," Louis voice almost literally caressed.

Harry awkwardly shifted in his chair, and Louis knew without a doubt that he was aroused.

"Will it be like last time?" Harry's voice was still teasing, but on the verge of timid as well.

"Yes, Harry. Even better. But you will be the one in charge. Don't forget that."

"I . . . I can almost feel it . . . already." Harry's voice had become quivery and he had to clasp his hands together, as they were trembling. Wow, Harry was becoming accomplished at really getting to him. Louis was really liking the shyness, mixed in with an attempt at boldness.

"What? My lips on yours?"

"Yeah . . . um, the last time keeps runnin' through me head. I can remember every detail."

"Oh, really? Is that so? Care to describe it?"

Harry shifted again, his hip bones rearranging themselves on his seat. He acted as if he'd bitten off more than he could chew. If they'd been talking about anything besides kissing—or sex for that matter, Louis knew just as surely as he knew his own name that he could outdo Harry. He'd developed the gift of gab, sarcasm and cheekiness years ago.

"Soft, sweet, and also . . . " Harry was actually describing it, something Louis would have bet he wouldn't have ventured into. But Harry was a surprise a minute.

"I'm listenin.'" Louis, despite his uncomfortable erection, was enjoying this game. He liked the way Harry was becoming more open with him. More outspoken, more self-assured.

"Passionate too. Really, Tommo. I didn't think you'd kiss like that."

Harry was trying to eclipse him. Or was he? Right now he was ahead, and by quite a margin.

"Like what? Be specific."

"Like . . . so undaunted, yet still makin' me feel safe."Harry struggled to express himself.

"Do you like the passion, or does it scare you?"

"Once I got used to it, I really, I mean really, liked it," Harry's respiration was quicker.

The torture of having this conversation in full view of other people, and the others not having any hint of what they were talking about was exciting enough all by itself. Touching wasn't even necessary, although it would have been so tantalizing. Louis longed for them to be alone together to continue analzying their last kissing session.

"You know, um, I've never been that excited before," Harry confessed. Of course, this statement caused Louis to really squirm. He covered it up with pretending to try to get comfortable on the seat cushion. He was almost to the point of panting now. Yep, Harry was winning alright.

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