Something Great

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A little over four months later, they held hands in front of the clergy, shaking and sweaty. It was all kind of a blur, but here they were, at last. It was a civil ceremony, but no less special. Louis' parents had flown in from England to be there for their son's wedding. His sister hadn't been able to get away from work, but she was planning on coming soon to meet Harry and spend a few days with the happy couple.

Aaron and Brooke were in attendance, as well as Harry's bandmates, and a few of their favorite dog-walking clients. It was nice and intimate, and they planned to all go out to eat afterward. Louis' parents insisted on paying.

Uncle Phil had moved out of the immediate area, finding friends, according to Brooke, and, Louis and Harry hoped, making a better person of himself.

Louis and Harry had bought their own home in Los Angeles. A modest home but with plenty of room that they both loved. It had a huge, fenced back yard, and they planned on getting a dog soon. They were still walking dogs, and Harry and Uneven Emotion were becoming more and more in demand, in cities surrounding Hollywood as well. Their horizons were definitely broadening. Aaron had predicted Harry would be famous, and Louis didn't doubt it for a minute. Things were already building toward that.

Aaron and Brooke were planning to get married within a year. They were Harry and Louis' best friends. Louis' parents had loved Harry at first sight—and who wouldn't? and have given their sincere, solid approval, even though his father was a lot more reserved about it. Nevertheless, he supported his son.

The vows were recited, and the rings slipped onto their fingers. Harry was fighting back tears, with a few escaping anyway, and Louis was feeling all the same emotions, but was a little better at keeping it in check at this moment. Later on though, when he and Harry were alone again, he knew he'd probably lose it.

They had asked Louis' parents to stay at their house, but they had declined, wanting to give the newlyweds privacy. They would be leaving to go back to England in three days.

"You may now kiss," announced the clergyman. Neither one hesitated. They kissed sweetly and with feeling, but didn't go overboard because of Louis' father, who was still feeling quite awkward with the situation. He'd get used to it soon enough, mused Louis.

After the congratulations, Brooke hugged them both with her usual enthusiasm and then asked what restaurant they'd be going to. Everyone laughed. Louis' mother was busy hugging Louis and Harry, and Louis' father was shaking Harry's hand, his eyes sincere.

"Sommat fancy," Louis' father answered Brooke's question. And he led their caravan of cars to a stunning restaurant that overlooked the ocean, the entire restaurant rotating constantly, with the huge floor to ceiling windows providing everyone in the restaurant with the view. It was very impressive.

"Nice, innit?" asked Louis' mother.

"It's so beautiful. I never even knew a rotating restaurant existed! It's nicer than we would have ever imagined," said Harry.

"Tomorrow we are having a reception for Louis and Harry at our house," announced Aaron. Of course, everyone except Louis and Harry had already known about it so everyone could be prepared with gifts. Louis' mother had helped Brooke prepare for the party.

Louis and Harry had been very skittish when Louis had told his parents on the phone of their wedding plans. But it was easier than expected—Louis' mother had already fancied it was going to happen. Harry had been a main subject topic every time he'd called her.

Brooke had demonstrated a lot of courage and had called Louis' parents to tell them about the reception. Swiping Louis' phone to get their number hadn't been easy, but she'd managed it. And calling them blind as she did--she didn't even know his parents after all. Louis could scarcely believe she'd done it. But then, that was Brooke. Bold and confident.

Louis and Harry had discussed children, and planned to adopt a couple in a few years, or maybe . . . and most likely, before that.

"I hope you two will be visiting us sometime soon, when you can get away from . . . work," Louis' mother hadn't known exactly what to call their "job."

Harry looked excited, and expectant when he looked to Louis. He could also visit some friends while they were in England. He hadn't been back in a while.

"Wait a minute, let me overthink that," said Louis, winking at Harry. "Yeah, I think," he said, looking adoringly at Harry, "we'd love that. Oi! Oi!"


I hope you enjoyed A Walk in the Park. So many thanks to my readers. I've so enjoyed writing this story! I'm going to be taking a few months off from writing. I've said that before, and it only turned out to be two weeks at most! It's hard not to write every day, but I do need a break. I'll be back, I promise!

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now