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After the word "kissy" had been murmured by Harry, Louis needed no persuasion, and they did just that. It lasted for freakin' ages.

It was a wild ride. Even though he proceeded very slowly and gently, Louis felt as if his mouth was having miniature orgasms, over and over. It was so blissful that his head swam.

He'd never been much of a kissing type of guy. Wow, had he ever missed out! Harry was opening up a new world to him. Before he knew it, Harry had crawled into his lap, and their mouths were making love.

Sex had never been much more than an act of completion to Louis. But this . . . this was amazing. All his loving feelings for Harry bobbed to the surface, as well as all his lustful desires. It was like a massive wave that kept flowing over him. Waves that he welcomed. The undertow was powerful. He swam with the current, although he felt like drowning in the passion.

He had never needed anyone as much as he was coming to realize he needed Harry. Harry was domestic, free spirited, and seemed to be able to handle someone taking care of him. Louis wanted to take care of him.

After they'd kissed for minutes or hours—who knew, and who cared? they just collapsed on the couch, full on exhausted, yet desperate for more closeness. Harry's mouth had been so sweet, so willing. Louis couldn't trust himself so he reminded Harry gently about taking things slowly.

"You've had a bad thing happen to you, and you need to learn to trust me with all your heart and soul. Not half, not three-quarters, or even ninety-nine percent, but one hundred percent."

Harry understood this, and said as much.

"This won't be a one-off, am I right?" asked Louis.

"Oh no! Not on me part!" Harry said with emphasis.

"Nor me. We'll have to learn together, as I've had no tenderness in the past either. You're a romantic, and I guess I need to learn how to be, also. I've no idea how to go about it. All I've had was the animal kind of couplin.'"

Harry winced, and Louis assumed he was remembering something unpleasant from the past himself.

Even so, Harry was full of anticipation. He loved the things Louis was saying. It was giving him hope. It was everything he'd wanted to hear, except for the reminder that Louis had only had sex like an animal. Louis turned him on so much that he would probably have had sex with him without any guarantees or even reassurances. But this was turning out better than he ever could have dreamed.

"I don't know if it's the right time for me to be sayin' these things to you straight away," Louis continued. "But you need to understand because of the circumstances. You don't ever have to fear me. I may have treated you rudely, and was certainly a dick to you a few times, but that's not the inner me."

"I know that, or I wouldn't have hung 'round," Harry reminded him. "But I may test your . . . patience."

Louis didn't hesitate to reassure him. "You're worth waitin' for. Besides, sex isn't the main reason I'm so eager . . . "

"Tell me. Tell me the main reason."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I want you so much that I'm ablaze with it, but . . . the way you've put up with me, and still had faith that I'd treat you right at some point. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Me heart hasn't felt this kind of tenderness before, and it's blowin' me mind."

Harry mulled this over. He wondered what exactly Louis was trying to say.

They were stretched out side by side on the couch, and Louis' hand just naturally went to Harry's hair again. He seemed to be obsessed with it. The texture, the silkiness, and the light, fresh scent. Harry closed his eyes to savor the sensual feeling of Louis' fingers tunneling through his hair.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now