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Harry just gaped at Louis, his mouth slightly agape , but not off-puttingly so. Kinda cute, actually. Louis waited for a comment, but Harry looked like maybe he didn't comprehend. Also, that reservation was still there. What more could Louis say?

So on the spur of the moment, Louis made a decision.

"Tell ya what. How about tomorrow night, we have dinner at a nice place, and go to a club afterward, yeah?"

Harry looked dumbfounded. This was one thing he hadn't expected.


"Yeah. I'll take you to practice and pick you up tonight with some takeaway, and then we can go out tomorrow, since you don't have practice, if I remember right."

"No . . . I don't have practice tomorrow," Harry confirmed, still looking a little perplexed. "But aren't we gonna go to the gym?"

"We can skip it tomorrow."

"Why are we goin' out?"

"Why do you think, goofy? To have a nice dinner and then some drinks. Don't we deserve that?"

"Um, I guess so."

Louis wondered why Harry was so withdrawn. Well, he knew why, but he had hoped Harry would accept his peace offering. Would see that Louis was making an effort. Louis couldn't undo what he'd done, but he could sure prove to Harry that he cared.

They ate the takeaway when they got home. Italian, one of Harry's favorites. There wasn't much conversation, and Louis always had to initiate it. He knew Harry was hurt, but if Harry didn't want to talk about it, well then, Louis would just wait until he did. No matter how long it took.

They hit the restaurant the next night at seven o'clock sharp. The restaurant was indeed top notch, and Louis was dressed to impress. Harry tried not to gawk at him, but it just wasn't going to happen. His eyes kept drifting back. Louis was dressed casually elegant. A red polo shirt, khaki dress pants and a blazer.

Harry wore a royal blue button down, trousers and a sportscoat. Of course, the top two buttons were left undone, much to Louis' unverbalized delight. Harry seemed just as enamored of Louis as Louis was of Harry. These two cleaned up exceptionally well.

Sitting across from each other in the dim, romantic lighting, they eyed the menu, and Louis made it clear this was his treat, that Harry was to order whatever he wanted.

They were in agreement about the appetizer, as they both loved buffalo wings; so that was their starter. They shared a Cobb salad, as both knew they would be properly stuffed after this meal. Harry had the steak kabob and Louis had the Mesquite pepper steak. Everything was perfect—the atmosphere, the food and the company. The only drawback was Harry's unusually quiet demeanor.

Maybe he'd come around. Louis thought he'd been clear about his own feelings, so he started to wonder if maybe Harry was having second thoughts. Under candlelight, and not much more, Louis observed Harry's eyes were fairly glittering at the same time Harry was noticing how Louis' eyes looked lustrous and radiant.

It was evident Harry was uncomfortable when it came time to go to the club. Louis reminded him they could just go home if he wanted to, but Harry said that he thought he needed to relax, and this might be the ticket.

Harry looked a little too resigned, and Louis wanted the fun, happy-go-lucky Harry back. When they walked in, Louis felt eyes on them from all corners of the room. He assumed all the eyes were for Harry. He was used to people staring at Harry when they went places. He didn't realize what a handsome couple they were, and that people were admiring the two of them. They gave no indication of being gay, of course, but they caused quite a stir regardless. Single women were setting their sights on them immediately.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now