Something Big

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Later, when Louis made his way to the bathroom to pee, his chuckles could be heard from the bathroom.

"What is it?" asked Harry.

"These rose petals—I hate to piss on 'em! Seems so . . . disrespectful somehow."

Harry giggled. "Put a few more of 'em in for me so I can experience it too," he teased.

They made love several times that night. Whether it was a gasp or the arch of a back off the bed, it drove Louis crazy with lust every time. He loved it all. Harry was the ultimate in responsiveness, and was always up for more. How fortunate could he possibly be? To not only have the hottest guy around, but also the most amorous?

In between hot sessions, they did indeed nibble on the leftover Mexican food, and finally fell into slumber right in the middle of a discussion at two am.

In the morning, Louis followed through with his promise, taking Harry out to breakfast. They flirted at the table, both of them in one side of the booth. Louis astonished himself at how open he was becoming. And the waitress treated them just like she did the straight couples at the restaurant. This also filled Louis with confidence. Not everyone wanted to judge them, after all!

Full of pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon, they returned to the beach and happily shed their clothes. They felt like regulars here now. It was amazing how quickly they had slipped right into place on this nude beach.

They knew they'd have to pack up and head home later in the afternoon. In a way they didn't want to leave, but in another way, they actually missed home, and walking the dogs.

Soon Louis was beginning to feel nervousness plucking at his resolve, and he felt timidity's unwelcome presence. Harry peered at him curiously.

They swam in the ocean; both were excellent swimmers. They splashed each other, and dived under the surface, playing like young, carefree dolphins. They felt as if they were twelve years old again. The ocean washed away tension and renewed their eagerness to enjoy this last bit of special leisure.

But as they walked back onto the beach half an hour later, Louis' anxiety was escalating. The brief swim had helped him to try to clear his head and decide on a course of action. But now, he was starting to feel the strain on his nerves, even though he'd been pushing back the thoughts of what he was planning on doing. He'd been contemplating something of extreme importance since they'd come to Black's Beach. Now the time had come . . .

"Harry . . . I've been wantin' to talk to you," Louis spoke up as they lay on their sides on the beach towel, having a staring session. Harry could see that Louis was restless, he even seemed nervous.

"Fire away."

"Okay, well . . . we've already said we're exclusive, right?" Louis waited for Harry to affirm this fact with a nod before continuing.

Now Louis was really jittery. Harry didn't often see him like this, and it concerned him. Made him feel uneasy. Was Louis going to change his mind about being exclusive?

"Well, I don't know . . . I don't know how to say this, or how to do it."

Harry's brow creased. "Lou, is it sommat bad?" Was Louis going to break up with him? Highly unlikely, unless he'd really misinterpreted Louis this weekend.

"No, I don't think it is. But I don't know how you'll feel."

Completely stymied, Harry was afraid to hear what Louis was struggling to say. He flipped over onto his stomach and put his head down on his arms. He wanted this, whatever it was, to just go away. Here he'd thought things were going so well, and now Louis wanted to bring up something serious. He could see it in Louis' eyes. The man was torn, and it was enough to thoroughly spook Harry.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now