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Cuz i'm a hoe and wanted to share this to the whole wide world here you go

"Taehyung–ah–" "cut that bullshit I won't marry those girls nor boys" Taehyung snapped and turned around making the back of the chair face his mother

Mrs. Kim mouthed turn an O as she scoffed "Taehyung don't ever talk to me like that" She scolds "how dare he talk like that to the person who let him out" she mumbled

"dear just marry those girls or boys, I already told the media that you're going to marry some–" Taehyung turned around the chair in a speed of light as he faced his mother with a red face

"what the heck mother?!"

Let me introduce you Kim Taehyung a ceo of the most famous men perfumes. 23 years old.

Technically his mother supposed to be the CEO but she started ti get old so she passed it to the one and only son she has

First Taehyung insisted that he didn't wanted the job but being a hard headed mother she is forced his son

Well Taehyung starts to loving the company so yeah they're in good terms

Until one day Taehyung's m9ther barged in and showed him a thunds of pictures of women and men

And that's when Taehyung got it his mother wanted him to marry someone

"fuck fuck fuck! More books to buy and i'm broke again! If I just didn't bought that stupid ass necklace then I won't suffer like this!" Jungkook whined as he slammed his head into the wooden table regreting it afterwards

He rubbed his forehead, he looked back to his wallet again and yeah a butterfly flew out on his wallet

So sad

Jungkook pouted, he searched for money in his whole house and yet he didn't find any even a penny!

Well you're probably thinking why isn't he working? Well he just got fired from his job since the job he's working at is started to get bankrupted and yeah

He did all and yet he can't find any more jobs

Well he didn't want to have a sugar daddy cuz he didn't want his virgin to get stolen

His one and only best friend in seoul Soojin a broke girl as well. A horny girl by the way

She literally begged Jungkook to fuck her but he slammed the doot shut in her face since its obvious she doesn't know whose she's talking to its Jeon Jungkook the famous gay in Hankook University

Back to the topic. His parents? Pfft they died in a car accident then Jungkook get passed in thier families but then ended up living alone in a crappy apartment

Well now he's suffering on how he will pay the landlord this month and great since its the first day of the month he still has a couple more weeks to find more money

"aish hope I have those richy billionare lifes"


So what do you think? Is it great? Oh my gosh

Anyways stan taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye ;)

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