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3 months they have been married. Thier interview got leaked by article and somehow 20% are hate while the other 80% congrats them on thier wedding

Anyways that was like 3 months ago back to the present

In those 3 months Jungkook did feel attached and attracted to Taehyung

He didn't know why but he felt like that. One time when he was not yet asleep he felt someone hugging him at his back even though there is a pillow to block them

And he felt his cheeks heat up, his heart flutter, and butterflies swarm in his stomach. You know those cliche things

And jungkook just can't sleep the whole night and that's how he ended up having dark circles under his eyes

And now July 16th he's having the worst day like the worstest out of all his worst days.

Before he even curled up in the bed and a crying mess this what happened

He basically reviewed the lessons last night yet he's having such a hard time to recall it again

Well Mr. Bald Teacher didn't give them a minute to re-review again

Then Mr. Bald guy checked all the papers and then when he handed the paper into Jungkook

Jungkook's jaw dropped and his eyes widens, 75 out of 100. Well great since he still passed but he isn't used to this but this Bald guy just make it worse

"Jungkook even though you are Mr. Kim's husband please study hard! I thought you wanted your future to be good and this? This? You're going to give me?! I guess you aren't worthy that enough in chemistry!"

The tears that he is keeping just wanted to escape badly, and when he got home here he is

Curled up in the bed and crying, his hair is messy it sticks everywhere, his eyes are swollen, his nose is red, and his lips are quivering

Why the heck is he even making this a big deal

Well Jungkook is really sensitive and when you tell something to him he'll take that whole heartedly and that really hurted him

Taehyung finally arrived at thier home . He heard sobs so he ran to thier room

And the sight he saw is so heart clenching, his baby wait Jungkook is crying

Taehyung dropped his suitcaise and walked over to Jungkook and cupped his fluffy cheeks

Oof he just broke a rule no skinship but who cares pfft...

Jungkook looked at him, sadness completely visible in his eyes "what's wrong sweetheart?" he asked, he sniffled "my teacher–" sniffle "say bad things to me" he said softly as he rubbed his nose

Taehyung pecked his forehead and he literally broke a rule but who cares his baby oh my gosh Jungkook is crying "stop crying ok? Go to sleep" Taehyung commands and patted his head

Jungkook nods and he lay down on the mattress, Taehyung removed his neck tie and grabbed a black tee on the closet and a pair of a sweapants

Jungkook waits as he looked at the older's actions, once he noticed that he's going to change he averted his gaze to somewhere

A hue of pink clearly visible in his cheeks, he then felt the mattresses sinking. He looked at his side to see Taehyung and his oh glorious face

Taehyung gave him a small smile and throwed the pillow away then he scooped the younger in his arms

Yes he broke another rule he maked but who cares his baby oh my freaking gosh will you stop saying his or my baby?! Its jungkook! Ahem so Jungkook is crying and sad so maybe he could help to cheer up the boy?

Jungkook is beyond shock isn't this on the rules and prohibited

Anygays he can't do anything

Taehyung settled his head on top of Jungkook's head, while the younger nuzzled into Taehyung's tan neck inhaling that familiar manly scent that he can smell forever

"goodnight sweetheart" he uttered. Jungkook's eyes slip shut and he fell into dreamland

"I love you tae. Don't let me go"



anyways ship Taekook for clear skin lol imma stop doing that cuz you're hoe is lazyy 🤓😂✨

Bye bye

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