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"Jisoo darling–" "where is Taehyung?" she sternly asked eyes glaring at Mrs. Kim

"I don't know?! Haven't you seen him bolt the office and didn't even utter a single word to tell where the fuck he is!" Mrs. Kim yelled at her face, if Mrs. Kim wasn't patient enough then she would totally slap her harshly in the face awhile ago

"how about my baby and me??" she asked worriedly caressing her tummy

Mrs. Kim looked at her weirdly, how the fuck–

"dear don't stress yourself it isn't ok with the baby" Mrs. Kim said and what did Jisoo did caught Mrs. Kim off guard

She fucking rolled her eyes

Oh dear she didn't know what's will happen next to her


"he's fine, he needed to rest for a couple days though" The doctor said

Taehyung and Jungkook nods at the information they heard "but for now just rest and eat well hmm?" the doctor asked

Jungkook mumbled a small yes and the doctor gave him a reassuring smile and left

"here eat this apple I cleaned it on the way" Taehyung said and passed him an apple

"m'not hungry" Jungkook protests "kookie just eat ok? As they say the apple keeps the doctor away so eat" Taehyung said and bringed his hand which is holding the apple in his lips

Jungkook looked at him with big doe eyes sparkling, Taehyung nods a sign that he should eat it

"its juicy and that means its tasty so now eat before the worms eat it" Taehyung said

Jungkook lips then turn into a pout, he can't do anything so he took a bite

And oh my gosh it is juicy and tasty!

Jungkook properly holds the apple and ate it, Taehyung smiled and sat down watching Jungkook eat like a cute ass bunny


Mrs. Kim can't contain herself anymore and what he did caught the girl off guard

She slapped her in the face

Jisoo touched the cheek that Mrs. Kim slapped, her eyes darkened as she bit her bottom lip

"Don't you ever fucking disrespect me! You wanted to marry my son and this kind of attitude you will show me?!  Jungkook is more better  than you! even though he can't fucking bear a child atleast he still makes my son happy!–" "Don’t you ever dare compare me to some other bitch! And what will you do?! You can't control your fucking son's life!" she yelled back getting another slap on her other cheek

"you don't deserve my son. With that attitude you won't marry my Son" Mrs. Kim treats

Jisoo snickered "as if he's going to listen to you" Jisoo said and chuckled evily

She rose up from her seat, grabbed her things and left making sure to slam the door shut

Mrs. Kim sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose trying to calm her nerves

She fished her phone quickly texting her son

Annoying mom
don't you dare Marry that Jisoo

She shoved her phone back on her pocket and left the office


Jungkook was giggling he didn't know he will fuckin giggle on Taehyung's Lame stupid joke

"see its funny!" Taehyung pointed out, chukling after. "your joke is very lame" Jungkook said inbetween his laughs

"why are you laughing then?" Taehyung asked "I don't know!" Jungkook whined and laughed again

And then they started laughing together like a crazy idiots

And you could literally tell they look like couples afar

But not all lasts since Taehyung's ringtone ringed the room making thier laughs stop

Taehyung grabbed his phone from the table and opened his phone

Annoying Mom
Don't you dare mar...

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and pressed the notification twice, he typed his password and the phone unlocked

Annoying Mom
Don't you dare marry that Jisoo

Annoying son
Why though? That's my responsibility

Annoying mom
Why would you even want to marry her? You dont even lover here😒

Annoying son
Oh see you using some emojis 😉

Annoying mom
It looked cool ok?
Don't fucking change the topic son or i'll cut off your dick!

Annoying son
No please don't
I still need to fuck Jungkook

Annoying mom
Disgusting i'm ur mothe 🤢

Annoying son

Annoying mom
Stop changing the topic!!

Annoying son
Well actually I don't even plan om marrying her I just want to keep the damn child

Annoying Mom
Good cuz if yoy marry her I would jump off a cliff
Can't stand the fact that she mah daughter in law

Annoying son
Did she do something?

Annoying mom
She was asking so many times where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
And then I told her some things that are used with common sense and then I told her not to stress herself and she ROLLED her eyes ROLLED!
That was so disrespectful you know?!
And then I can't keep my patience so I literally slapped her and then she barked back slapped her again and she left

Annoying son
Why did you slap her? 😨

Annoying mom
If you were in my position getting 0 respect from a person what will You do Kim Taehyung?

Annoying son
Punch him in the guts?

Annoying mom
There's my son
So don't complain why I slapped her :)

Annoying Son
Whatever imma take care my baby bye bye

Annoying mom
Who baby??

Taehyung left her on seen and shut his phone off, once he raised up his head he and Jungkook did made an eye contact

"who are you texting?" he asked "mother" Taehyung answered

Standing up from his seat, he grabbed an fresh apple washed it and took a bite

"hmm can you give me cuddles?" Jungkook cutely asked and what can taehyung do to that?


💿 Well holo everyone 💿

Ctto to : simply nailogical

SO kinda addicted on watching her I don't even do nails! But anyways have fun in your day and be happy cuz if you ain't happy you ain't having good luck

What am I sayin?

Anyways have fun, be happy becuz it won't last long!! Bye bye

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