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Months had pass and Jungkook's jealousy upon Mia had blown away

Mia had grown deep feelings from Hoseok

one time taehyung and Jungkook went home from their shopping and the first thing they saw is scattered clothes

The two groaned knowing that it was from Hoseok and Mia


Back to the present

The lady placed lip gloss into Jungkook's lips as the last touch of the makeup look

He had faint blush in his cheeks, he had soft pinkish lips with the lip gloss making it glossy and healthy

the lady did his hair as well and sprayed him a peefume of course from his company

And throughout the months they released so many perfume to feed to his fans

"alright you're finish please wear the white suit and you're all done" The lady said

Jungkook looked at himself from the mirror


He thought, he looked at the lady and smiled at her before saying a thanks

The lady smiled "you know you look familiar, have you hears thw actor Jung Jeongguk??" Jungkook shook his head

(that name got me wheezing ok?!)

"you two look like the same, he was the actor in the Just Blood and its sequel" The lady said "i'm their makeup artist you know the little girl Tae hee she was a sweet heart and do you know Chungwha that bitchy girl you won't expect that she was a good girl in re–" "ahem" the lady stopped from her rambling

She looked at the person and gave him an apologetic look before bowing

"oh Jin hello" Jungkook greeted "Ms. Song please don't ramble that drama please, thinking about that makes my blood boil" Jin said walking towards Jungkook

"wow Ms. Song you're such a great makeup artist, no wonder why you got accepted by Just Blood's crew" Jin said admiring Jungkook's face

"oh why aren't you still wearing your suit?" Jin asked "ah oh yeah i'll be right back" Jungkook said and hurriedly grabbed the suit and went to the bathroom

"Ms. Song please–" "oh come on Mr. Kim I knew you also loved the story" Ms. Song aka the makeup artists said

Jin snickered "but it makes my blood boils, Chungwha was a fucking bitch and I hate her" Jin said

Ms. Song nods "but she's a sweet heart in real life" She said

Jin nods "yeah i've heard–" "heard someone calling my name"

The two wipped theit head, Jin screamed

Jungkook went out of the bathroom seeing Jin screaming

His ear drums are ready to fucking pop

"oh my god Jin stop" Jungkook whined

"oh who are you?" Jungkook asked "oh hello i'm a dear friend of Mia–MS SONG?!" Ms. Song smiled

Chungwha attacked her in a tight hug

Ms. Song chuckled seeing Chungwha

"oh my god are you really the actress in that nerve wrecking drama??" Jin asked

"oh yeah bitch, kinda hated my character as well you know in the first drama i'm a good girl and now i'm a fucking bad bitch ugh" Chungwha said

"so are you and Mia close??" Jungkook asked

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