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Jimin showed Jungkook an email that all famous perfume CEO's are held in a meeting in the company who invited them

Jungkook nods he can't do anything else

And now he's here sitting beside the one and only CEO of Odeur céleste long story short its Kim Taehyung

How destiny loves them to be together

"alright we are all in here now I wanted to talk about all our stocks and future collaborations?"

And then the person started blabbering stuff which Jungkook is completely uninterested at all

Until he felt tap his shoe, and another one, and another one, and another one

Jungkook craned his head at the back, glaring at Taehyung like he did something bad

On the other hand Taehyung wasn't interested at all. These meetings are kinda useless in his life well most of them

Then he felt boredness comes in him, he looked at Jungkook's back digging boring holes at his back until an idea popped in his mind

He tapped Jungkook's shoe, again and again until he felt  someone throwing glares at him and you guessed it right its Jungkook!

But its unexpectedly when Jungkook tapped back a small smile in his face

Taehyung smirked and tap harshly back, Jungkook looks taken aback and tapped his foot again harshly

And they knew they were fighting down there as the two let out small giggles when one loses

The other CEO's spare them some small glances as they can hear thier giggles

One CEO even cleared his throat for the two but the two didn't even knew since they were in thier own world. Having fun like little kids.


The meeting finally finished Taehyung and Jungkook giggling like little kids especially Jungkook

The other CEO's notice them and kinda giving them wierd looks

Jungkook is clinging into Taehyung's arms laughing at how corny Taehyung's jokes is even though he laughed like a fucking maniac

As Jimin saw them his eyebrows wriggled "what the freak" he mumbled under his breath

Finally the two were apart as they bid goodbyes

"bye bye Taehyung!" Jungkook exlaimed and omce again giggled

A faint blush in Taehyung cheeks as he bid goodbye as well "bye Jungkook see you again" Taehyung said he waved a little in which the younger waved back and Taehyung left

Jungkook walked towards Jimin a big smile plastered in his face

"why are you so giddy?" jimin asked, Jungkook arched up his brow "i'm just happy aren't you happy for me Chiminie?" he asked

"what the fuck happened to you?" Jimin asked "I don't know i'm happy" Jungkook answered

"whatever floats in your little ass boat. Let's go little kooky and go to your big ass company" Jimin said and dragged a giggling Jungkook with him to thier car

"oh my god what happened to me?! Why am I giggling?!" Jungkook asked to no one

Jimin rolled his eyes as he shoved Jungkook inside

This day is such a tiring day


Next day

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