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4 : 00 in Philippines but currently 5 : 00 in korea

Jungkook stretched his hands up, he just woke up from his slumber

The bunny slept at 2 o'clock since the hospital is a little bit far away

And its a bit hard time to sleep since all he thinks is Taehyung and Taehyung

Jungkook sighed and brewed himself a coffee and he could look at the beautiful beach

After that he carried the coffee outside in the balcony letting the cold yet warm air hit him

He sighed as he drank his coffee, he looked at the beach it looked good the white sand Compliments the crystal water

He smiled noticing how good the nature looks like

He finished the coffee around 5 o'clock yes thats a bit of a long time but who cares

He grabbed an thin coat and wore it, as he go outside his hotel room

Jungkook pressed the down button, he wanted to watch the sunset and get inspirations

As soon as he heard the ding ue entered inside pressing the ground button


He walked outside, the sky painted in blues and oranges and the sun bright giving him a sun kissed look his tan kind of skin showing

He smiled as he walked over the beach, the area is empty since its getting night and people started evacuating ti thier room

Jungkook sat down in the sand, knees on his chest as he looked at the sunset

Setting slowly

Taehyung on the other hand saw the familiar figure he sure knows that it is Jungkook so he walked towards him

Jungkook's eyes closed engulfing the nature's presence

Taehyung looked at him just in case and he surely maked Taehyung's heart flutter

His skin is beautiful tan, his face is so beautiful everything about him is beautiful

Taehyung's breath hitched, he sat down beside him too bringing his knees in his chest copying Jungkook

Jungkook felt  presence beside him so he opened his eyes and looked at it

There sat Taehyung and his glorious face

Jungkook smirked "you're in the same hotel as  mine?" Jungkook asked trying to break the silence

Taehyung hummed in response, "its been a long time" Jungkook murmured facing the sun once again

"I know" Taehyung replied a warm smile engulfing his face

"hows the company Tae?" Jungkook asked as he looked at the sun setting so slowly

"its good" Taehyung replied as he turned his head to face Jungkook

"what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked "hmm vacation afterall i've been working hard for the past months. Jimin just forced me" Jungkook answered turning his head to look at Taehyung both having an eye contact

Thier eye contact seems to get longer, two getting lost in each others eyes

And they knew that thier feelings are coming back and they won't let it go


So i've been having an hard time to write this book. Everytime I have this idea in my head I started to write it forgetting about my other book and me being an considerate writer  just don't want to leave you guys like that hanging so I strive my best to write this and have an good ending for each chapter so I might not do double updates often and yeah bye bye!

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