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After Rose walkes away with Jisoo in her arms lowly scolding her

"i–i'm sorry" she sqeaked out tears falling out in her eyes "I just want tae, the first time I saw him I just want him, him in my arms not that bitch!" Jisoo choked out

"Soo, Taehyung and Jungkook were destined to be together. You can't stop them, they're in love both of them!" Rose said

"we–we! Me and Taehyung are destined!" Jisoo defended, Rose sighed her best friend is totally obsessed to this guy

"but did Taehyung liked you?" Rose asked, snapping Jisoo into reality "you're not helping" she mumbled under her breath but still clear for Rose to hear

"Soo, i'm helping you to move on–" "I don't want to Move on" Jisoo interrupted

Rose once again sighed "Jisoo, Taehyung doesn't like you this is only a one-sided relationship. Taehyung and Jungkook likes each other–no loves each other, you see the spark in their eyes when they always met eyes?? They were for together, they're solid no one can break them because they love each other Jisoo. If you married Tae and Taehyung still loves Jungkook you'll hurt more, lets not be selfish for sometimes alright?"Rose asked

Jisoo cried more harder in her arms, she was right

Rose was always Right

She knew it, she saw everything, she saw that the two liked and loved each other. But she just brushed it off knowing that taehyung will fall for her any moment but no Taehyung loved Jungkook to the stars and back

Call her selfish because that's the truth, she was selfish the whole time

She was thinking all about herself, how she will feel when she is in Taehyung's arms, not what Taehyung will feel when she is in hin arms instead of Jungkook

And thanks to Rose her eyes opened, she opened her eyes to see the reality that...

Taehyung and Jungkook were destined together and no one can stop them from loving each other.


Taehyung and Jungkook arrived from their launching place

They're 15 minutes late and maybe people were annoyed that the two aren't arriving yet and that they were just eating each and face but no its because of Jisoo's fault

The makeup artist quickly did their makeup

"alright everyone settle down here are the CEO/founder of Odeur céleste and Natürlicher Duft!!" The MC of the day which is Jin said

Taehyung were standing on the left side of the stage and Jungkook were on the right side

Their eyes met and they sweetly smiled and through their brain they can hear each other

"its fine we can do this"

"we can do this baby"

"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook CEO and Founder of Odeur Céleste and Natürlicher Duft"

Everyone applaused

The two went up the stage, since the stage looks like a T, the two u-turned to walk in the main part of the stage

"hello everyone, sorry for being for a couple of minutes. Its just a person did interrupted us its very inconsiderate but atleast we came one again we're sorry" Taehyung said but he didn't expect for everyone to nod like its not a big deal

Being late is very inconsiderate of the time

You must be punctual sometimes

"anyways we wanted to Launch our new Set! Its only cheap. Yes it's cheap because we wanted to show out fans the hard work we did because we all know there are some fans who are broke in their collage or High school life, I know I am too were also in that phase but! Hope you like the outcome of our perfume, hopefully it won't cause any issues we worked hard for that!" Jungkook said

"and now we introduce to you Taegguks perfume!" Taehyung and Jungkook said in unison

Once they said that a lift liked machine came up with the set

Everyone cheered

The set looks like a high end brand

Its packaging has some gold and holo's

And the perfume itself looks high end, luxury, eternal and whatever adjective you can give it

"The blue perfume is called Taehyung" Taehyung said and looked at Jungkook "and the Pinkish red is called Jungkook and the purple perfume is named Taegguk!" Jungkook said

Everyone cheered

"its dedicated for our fans and for us as well because we also have a good news to tell" Taehyung said

"some of you must know we divorced a year ago, you guys know we'll never be a couple but instead as a friends but..." Taehyung said and slowly he interwined their hands

Some people gasping

"we're back now, as a couple not as a married couple we wanted to take it slow" Taehyung said and it took seconds for to process everything and they applaused, cheered

Happy for the two that they're back and happy

And hopefully they won't break up again and hopefully they will always be happy

Hopefully they're decision on being a thing again is good


Phew  the jisoo rose part is like my favourite in this chapter because Jisoo's eyes were now opened and she won't fucking disturb them anymore yehey!

Anyways this will finish soon :[ but don't worry this book won't be so problematic

Maybe 5 more chapters

Who knows

Ugh I should stop anyways bye bye!!

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