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I mean he'll not die but if he got invited in thier wedding he would kill himself rather than seeing something he wanted to remove his eyeballs out

"shall we go straight to the house?" Jimin asked "yeah sure it got me tired" Jungkook said

Surely he got so tired after the meeting, processing everything isn't so hard in the head like this

He has so many thoughts that his head is pounding and he is nearly about to faint and he fainted

Jimin looked at him "oh my god!" Jimin exlaimed pressing the back of his palm at his forehead and its flaming hot

He started to get pale "Hoseok please go to the hospital Jungkook's flaming in hot" Jimin panickly said

Hoseok started to drive in a different route

Omce they arrived in the hospital, Jimin carried Jungkook bridal style Hoseok helping him

"help help help!!!" Jimin yelled, some nurses came with stretcher Jimin placed Jungkook down


"sir he's fine but he needs rest for 2 days so he might get discharge in a few days i'll just inform you" The doctor said

Jimin nods, and the doctor left leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone

Jungkook's phone started vibrating, so he grabbed it not bothering to look at the caller id


Alright its Taehyung

"hey tae can I ask you something?"

"Jimin? Why do you have Jungkook's phone?"

"taehyung shut up. He's having a high fever and I wanted to fix things with the company"


"Seoul General Hospital"

(I don't know if that exist so yeah)

"Ok" and Taehyung hunged up, Jimin sighed and paced all around glancing at Jungkook at some time

And the door opens revealing the almighty taehyung


When he heard Jungkook's is having high fever he stormed out of his office (and jisoo's inside)

Started the engine of his car and drove to Seoul's general hospital

Anxious on what happened to His little fluffball of sunshine

Once he arrived at the hospital, he walked fast I mean ran to the reception

"uhm what's Jeon Jungkook's room number?" Taehyung asked stumbling on some of his words

"334" she answered after looking at her computer

Taehyung ran to the elevator and fastly pressed the up button

Yes call him impatient but who cares he probably won't give it a fuck

And then he entered inside pressing the 4th floor, he taps his foot in the floor impatiently

( i've said impatiently or impatient for like 200 thousand times. No just 2 times)


Taehyung stormed away from the elevator and he quickly finds the designated room





A loud aha escaped Taehyung's lips as he grabbed the door knob ready to open the damn door

And he twisted it making the door opened ane once he opened it he saw Jimin pacing around with a worried look

Jimin noticed him and opened the door wide for taehyung to enter

Taehyung looked at sleeping Jungkook, "do you have any plans to do?" Taehyung asked closing the door shut with his right foot

"yup please look for him for me ok?" Jimin asked "sure" Taehyung simply said

Jimin smiled and grabbed his black sling bag slinging it in his shoulder. Before he left the room he patted Taehyung's shoulder and left the room.

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook bed, he dragged the near chair beside jungkook's bed

He interwined his fingers into his fingers tightly "sleep well baby" the baby he wasn't supposed to say but it just slipped out in his tounge, he placed a long chaste kiss into Jungkook's forehead it isn't that hot anymore.

Taehyung smiled and admired Jungkook's features and face in the rest of time


Jungkook slowly fluttered  open his eyes, noticing the white ceiling

He then felt warmth radiating in his hand specifically his right hand

He looked at the person who holds his hand surprisingly it isn't jimin its Taehyung!!

He stared at taehyung longer than he expected to stare at him

A sudden question popping in his mind

Why is he here?

"you know staring is bad" Taehyung said eyes still closed making Jungkook's Bubble of thoughts pop

"w–why are you here?" Jungkook sqeaked out, Taehyung fluttered his eyes open and looked at him with his beautiful eyes "you don't want me to be here?" Taehyung asked back straighting his position

"I–I didn't mean that way you can stayif you want" Jungkook corrected smiling afterwards

"hmm are you ok? Are you still feeling ill?" Taehyung bombarded him with questions, Jungkook chuckled "nope, i'm good" Jungkook answered

"alright i'm just going to buy some foods hmm?" Taehyung said, Jungkook nods but he went frozen

"a–are you supposed with Jisoo and the baby?"

He closed his mouth suddenly, Taehyung got tensed

He didn't mean to say that at all! Promise! His mouth just moved on its own

Taehyung looked at him disappointment? while Jungkook looked at him with his big doe eyes

The tension was thick

Its making Jungkook guilty, until Taehyung cleared his throat "i'm getting food" Taehyung barely whispered and left

Jungkook is such a fool


Hello its been a couple of days? I've never updated its because I am stressed and got focused on reading rather than writing so sorry

Anyways I like ny new book cover, it was inspired by a magazine and yeah bye bye 😀

I just noticed I looked sad when writing that 🤪

Also thank you for 200 followers I mean for you guys that was a small amount of number but for me it was bigger! Thank you thank you so much uwu! 🤧

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