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Don't do drugs kids 🙅🏻‍♀️


After thier biking session the two got tired so they end up sitting in a swing

Jungkook swinging the swing lightly as he played with the sand and gravel beneath him

Taehyung on the other hand looked at the blue firmament. Looking so peacefully

Taehyung finally looked at the younger "hey Jungkook why are you giving me a cold shoulder awhile ago" Taehyung asked

Jungkook looked at him and hummed "I don't know I just felt it" Jungkook lied

He was jealous ok?

"you bipolar?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook's mouth hanging agape

"what the heck?! I'm not bipolar! I'm just-just j-jealous" Jungkook said mumbling the last part

And how lucky he is Taehyung heard it as he heard taehyung burst into fit of laughter

Jungkook glared at him as he countinue to laugh his ass out
"you jealous?! Stop lying and say you're bipolar!" Taehyung said as he countinue laughing

Jungkook sighed "STOP! Taehyung stop you're making me embarrassed!!!" Jungkook whined

Taehyung stopped laughing, wiping his non existent tears. He cupped Jungkook's fluffly cheeks

"why are you so cute" Taehyung cooed still pinching his cheeks

Jungkook whined and slapped Taehyung's hand away "Don't pinch my cheeks like that" Jungkook said and caressed his red cheeks

Taehyung looked at his wrist watch, the sun will set any moment now

"lets go grab a ramen and then we'll call it a day how's that?" Taehyung suggests "why do you always get to suggest?" Jungkook asked and then pouted

"then what do you want?" Taehyung asked arching up his brow "ramen" Jungkook replied

Taehyung looked at him "ugh see come on lets go to the near Convenience store" Taehyung said and rose up from his swing

As he walked towards Jungkook he stretched his arm, Jungkook grabbed his hand and help that to stand up

A "thanks" escaped Jungkook lips as he dust off the non existed dust in his clothes

And then they walked beside to the near convineance store, Taehyung opened the door for him when they reached the store

Muttering another thanks as he walked towards the ramen isle searching for his favourite ramen

And once he saw it he grabbed it and shoved it to Taehyung, he looked for kimbap and once he did he shoved one to Taehyung again

Taehyung then walked towards the cashier, dropping everything in the white counter

The lady smiled and scanned each as she noticed Jungkook her mouth turns into an O

Fuck are they having a comeback?! I shipped them so hard and hearing they got divorced makes my heart break but now oh my god i'm freaking out?!!!! THESE ARE MY PARENTS A RICH ASS PARENTS THEY ARE STANDING IN FRONT OF ME NOW OH MY GOD CALM THE FUCK DOWN

"uhm sir it will be 15,000 won" The lady said, Taehyung fished his wallet and gave her 20,000 won

"recieved 20,000 won" She said and opened the cashier "no. wait miss keep the change..."Taehyung looked at her name tag "Chaeri. Please keep the change" Taehyung said and smiled

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