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After their Launching they headed to this ramen store near the place

They also invited their friends and of course Mrs. Kim

8 of them happily eating their meal, of course couples sat together

Mrs. Kim sat in the middle with Hoseok in the other side

"so sad being a single" Hoseok murmured "come on Hobi don't be sad you might not know any moment–" the door opens

Everyone's eyes went and the person who just went inside

And Hoseok did felt that spark

A girl probably the same age as him, black locks that dripped down into her butt, i'm not going to tell you that she has an hour glass body but technically she had curves, she got long legs, face looks so youthful and young, she had round eyes, long lashes, big plump lips, and lastly she had cute cheeks

Her eyes went into the guys since they were the only ome who's eating here until someone familiar catched her attention




Jungkook is glaring at them

They were two tables away from them, since its been a while since they have met

Long story short Taehyung and Mia were childhood bestfriend in Daegu but sadly Taehyung needs ti move to Seoul to do their works there and then he never met Mia again

"yah, Don't get Jealous they're just friends nothing less, nothing more" Mrs. Kim said

The others have left, Jin and Namjoon had to do some works for their upcoming entertainment company while Yoongi and Jimin had to do some works in Jungkook's company and Hoseok is just roaming around Seoul

"yeah" Jungkook mumbled still looking at them with a worried look

Taehyung is beyond happy to see his childhood bestfriend, you know its been like 17 years you haven't seen your bestfriend

To be honest Taehyung kinda developed crush on her when he was like 7 but that was all in the past! He moved on and now he dearly loved Jungkook

The last thing he could do to Jungkook is to cheat


They finally had finished their talk, knowing that this ramen store was owned by Mia's mother

They have exchanged numbers and Taehyung reminded himself to text her later

Taehyung and Jungkook were in the back seat not bothering to talk nor doing there usual kissing and loving actions

In facts Taehyung did tried to kiss him and cuddle with him but Jungkook mumbled an i'm tired, pushed him away and looked outside the window

Oh my god i'm being selfish, I should stop thinking that way or else our relationship will go toxic

He reminded himself that he will fix this once they got home

They arrived at their penthouse, Changed into comfy clothes and the next thing happened Jungkook clinged into Taehyung the rest of the day

"is there something wrong baby?" Taehyung asked but Jungkook grumbled incoherent words that Taehyung didn't understand but he just brushed it off

Taehyung sighed and bringed Jungkook in his lap, Jungkook looked at him with his sparkling doe eyes

Taehyung placed his hands in his cheeks and slowly caressed it

"what's wrong? Your acting wierd in the car" Taehyung said softly "m'just tired don't worry" Jungkook said "but when you're tired you always want cuddle" Taehyung said and pecked his forehead "just–i'm not in the mood that time ok?" Jungkook said looking away making the hands on his cheeks go away

Taehyung looked at him worriedly "are you Jealous?" Taehyung asked

Jungkook shook his head and looked at him once again "are you sure? She's just a best friend she wouldn't ruin our relationship just don't think bad ok?" Taehyung said

The younger trusted the older of course he would nod

"are you sure her intention isn't like Jisoo's?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung shook his head and pecked his lips "I love you so much that I can't cheat" Taehyung said

Jungkook gave Taehyung a coy smile "lets sleep?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nods

Taehyung carried Jungkook to their bed room, placing him down slowly and rhe two drifted to sleep

Well not the two of them only Jungkook fell asleep

Omce Taehyung knew that Jungkook has fallen into deep sleep, Taehyung grabbed his phone from the night stand and texted Mia

So his intention is to text Mia while Jungkook is asleep so that Jungkook wouldn't get jealous and confiscated his phone

Its been a long time he wanted to know what's going on her life


Geez its like 11 why are you still awake

Shouldn't you be asleep as well?

uhm kinda bored and don't have the guts to sleep 😪
Wait you have a boyfriend?! I just searched you name and you're a multi millionaire?! Wow

Haha yeah 😅

And i'm sorry if I kinda make your boyfriend jealous 😞

No its fine

Are you sure??


And the whole night the two talked and Jungkook silently crying when he heard Taehyung giggling

He didn't knew why he was crying, Taehyung told him they were only friends


He had this thought that maybe but maybe they weren't


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