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( hey guys before I start I won't write a thunds of chapter showing what they did in 6 months because my focus in here is what happened to them after they divorced so yeah)

Its finally thier wedding day! Jungkook is anxious as hell. He never know what to do in these weddings

All he did has searched a great vow in google and thats it

He grabbed a water bottle and drank everything from it. He's going to pee in the wedding ceremony for sure

He's been drinking water the past 5 minutes. He already finished 3 bottles

"aish stop drinking water you'll make your lip tint remove" the make up artists scolds him "im sorry I am so anxious" he said and grabbed a the lip balm he saw in the table and applied it

He then pressed his lips together and gently moved it, he then pulled them apart with a pop

"alright great wear this bowtie" the makeup artist said and he shoved him a black bow tie

Well Jungkook is wearing an all white tux and he wore the black tie

Soojin entered with a vintage floral dress "oh my gosh I can't expect you're getting married! We haven't fuck yet!" she whined as she wiped her non existence tears

"shut up before I kick you out. And sorry because I don't fuck girls I love dicks" he said applying the lip balm again

"pfft hope you eat his cock well" she said and patted his shoulders

"hey Jk come one the wedding will start any moment" Jungkook heaved a big sigh and nods


Taehyung has a blank face. Is he supposed to be happy nope

"honey smile I know your nervous he won't run away!" His mother exlaimed enthusiasticly and patted his shoulder

Taehyung gave her a fake smile and heaved a sigh

"everyone settles down the groom is coming!"

And that makes everyone settle, media ready to take pictures and post in dispatch

The door opens. Reavealing the not so many bridesmaids and best mans arrived with some flower girls and the ring bearers

And finally the groom with all his glory

Walking in the aisle with a small warm smile, holding a bouquet of roses and orchids

And Taehyung felt his heart flutter at the sight

He's gorgeous as fuck. Wait. Taehyung!

Soon Taehyung held Jungkook soft hand and bring them in the altar

They have said thier ido's and vows. Insert each other rings and finally

"and you may kiss your man"

Taehyung leaned, any moment they will kiss he will stole Jungkook's first kiss so he shut his eyes

But he only felt his hot breath and people applaused

Wait what?

"i didn't kiss you" Taehyung whispered his voice deep and raspy Jungkook shot open his eyes and smiled warmly at the camera

Its just a foolish angle. Of course he won't its in the contract no kissing pfft


After thier reception they need to do the honeymoon but it won't happen since

No sex. No kiss

So it won't happen. But taehyung received an brown envelope from his mother

He opened it in the reception and its a plane tickets to Hawaii. But he declined because he didn't like the place which is a lie

They end up staring on the ceiling in thier pjs

"oh I forgot to add in the rules. No skinship. That means no holding hands or hugging except if my mother or who is in there that doesn't know about us" Jungkook just simply nods and he shut his eyes as he drift to sleep


I am listening to Let go and it was so good! Ughh I did an third update because i'm hungry and i'm fulfilling it by writing and yeah

Oh look what I just see

Oh look what I just see

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Fuck it hello you look hawt in those glasses 🤓🤓🤓 I can't i'm dead bye sis

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Fuck it hello you look hawt in those glasses 🤓🤓🤓 I can't i'm dead bye sis

Ship Taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye

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