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Jungkook waved at Taehyung and Taehyung waved back at him

When Jungkook left the lab he heard murmurs and tried to hide in the wall

Call him nosy but he was Just curious since the voice felt so familiar

"yes. They all believed but this stupid Jungkook kept giving me wierd looks every time I passed and its annoying me"

"maybe he knows"

"oh shut up he didn't. Afterall what is he in Taehyungie's life?"

"uhm Friend? bestest friend? Who knows maybe they're in a secret relationship"

"that won't happen. Taehyung a gay? Pfft that's hilarious"

"are you kidding me? You're such an outcast. He married a boy one time Jisoo"

"all I know is that it is forced"

"whatever floats in your boat Soo. Just be careful"

"Rose trust me in this"

"Jisoo may I ask a question"

"sure Rose"

"what if its your due? Or do you even have one?"

"ugh I don't care about that its like months more. Imma shower myself first with Taehyung's love and affection or he can even marry me this is his responsibility" she chuckles

"whatever Jisoo again be careful don't want you to crash in my place crying"

"hmm k bye"

"bye bye" and she hunged up

"I knew it" Jungkook said, Jisoo's head snapped into the owners voice and this is the last thing he ever wants to see the one and only Jeon fucking Jungkook

"ugh what do you want?" Jisoo asked "I knew you were lying the whole time!" Jungkook hollers, angry that this girl fooled everyone that she is carrying a baby in her womb and that thing is Taehyung's

"who the heck are you to lie to us?" Jungkook asked anger visible in his tone "Jungkook you better shut that lips of yours hmm?" Jisoo said

"Jisoo you can't make me shut my lips. I'm not a dumb easy to fool guy!" Jungkook yelled, fists clenching

Jisoo crossed her arms over her chest "who even are you to tae? You're just his friend. He won't believe to you" Jisoo said and that snapped Jungkook in reality

Yeah who he is to Taehyung? Just a friend but he cares to the older a lot–wait no scratch that he can't stand the fact that they'll have a baby they will be a family that Taehyung wants

When Jisoo announces that the baby is to Taehyung's he saw the little sparkle in his eyes he really wanted a child and Jungkook can't give him that

Can't give him Little Taehyung

And that just breaks his heart so much. He nust wanted Tae to himself. Yes tell him that he's selfish but that's what Love is, it makes you selfish at times

Sometimes you got to be selfish too

"I–I'm his bestest Friend. I care about him a lot and if he founds out that you d–don't have a baby he'll get b–broken" Jungkook said, stuttering on some of his words

"aw you're so sweet aren't ya" Jisoo smiled a fake, plastic smile

"just say it! You liked him! I'm not a fool to not notice you and your stupid lovesick acts Jungkook!" She practically yells

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