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Finally they ended thier experiment at 7:30, a whole 4 hours in testing and formulating

And its very tiring

Beads of sweat were in Jungkook's forehead as always Everytime they test and formulate scents he tend to sweat alot

"Mr. Jeon what will you call the perfume?" Seulgi asked looking at him who's still smelling the scent

"hm I still don't know, i'll think" Jungkook answered placing the beaker in the table

Seulgi nods "I think that's for the day sir" Seulgi said, patting his shoulder first before walking away from Jungkook

"you done?" a familiar deep voixe asked jungkook from behind "yeah" he simply said turning around to face Taehyung a warm smile found its way in Jungkook's lips

"alright lets go? Do you want me to bring you to your penthouse?" Taehyung asked "no thank you. I'll just call hoseok to fetch me" Jungkook refused

"oh Hoseok the one we met in the escape room?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook eagerly nods "he's cool to be with" Jungkook said

"alright enough with that lets go now?" Taehyung suggested, Jungkook nods

The two walked beside together as always, when they reached the doors Taehyung gladly removed his and Jungkook's lab coat and placed them in the rack

Taehyung as well pushed the door open for them, and now they're here waiting for Jungkook's driver to come and fetch him

Once Jungkook saw his blackcar he faced Taehyung "shall we call this a day?" he asked, Taehyung looked at Him  crouching down a bit to meet the level if his eye "yup. Make sure to sleep tight and gave a good dream" Taehyung said and ruffled the younger's jet black hair who just whined at how taehyung messed his hair

"aish. Don't do that bye bye" Jungkook said completely annoyed and walk to his car

Taehyung looked at his walking back as he shoved his hands in his pocket

Jungkook finally enters, he rolled down the windows and lastly waved at him, taehyung waving back and of course a sweet smile in his face And then the car drove away.

And how much the two enjoyed this day may or may not be in the future


After that day he often visits Taehyung's company rather than his own company

Hilarious right?

Anyways here he is walking towards Taehyung's office with full of confidence feeling like his fiancée

He faced the dark wood door and grabbed the door knob, opening it and the first thing he saw makes his heart clenching

Taehyung talking to the baby

and to get to know more about this scene let's rewind to 10 minutes ago

Taehyung was doing his works, Jisoo boredly until Jisoo moaned in pain of course

Taehyung looked at her wierdly, as jisoo caress her baby bump whispering she kicked she kicked

Taehyung stood up and ran towards her crouching down to the level of her bump

He placed his hands on both sides of her waist, pressing his ear in the bump

"Hi baby don't kick mommy hmm? It will hurt her so just relax there don't ever kick mommy hmm?"

They didn't notice that someone opened the door the two were in the different worlds

Taehyung happily talking to his kid while Jisoo smiling in victory that maybe, maybe if she used this trick then taehyung will get close to her and be a happy family

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