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This is a chapter brought to you by your lazy ass author :)


2 days later, Jungkook was fine and was discharged by Jimin, Taehyung was in his company doing work and sometimes coping up Jisoo's annoying behaviour

2 days ago Taehyung cuddled him to sleep, and then Jimin came and let Taehyung have his break and like that

But the next few days Taehyung didn't visit him and here he is whining like a child

"oh my god if you don't stop whining I'll fuckin slap you" Jimin said, Jungkook looked at him and scoffed "you can't slap me. You love me" Jungkook said and walked past him

Jimin rolled his eyes is this even a CEO of a famous perfume brand?

He acts like a child!

After Jungkook whining they were know inside Jungkook's office, folders and files in his table

"probably collabs or something" Jimin said sitting down in the provided couch

"hmm but I won't take collabs for now. I just wanted to finish my collab with Odeur" Jungkook said opening each folders

"hmm ok" Jimin said and grabbed his tablet "you'll have a meeting this 4 so you still have time for lunch" Jimin said "what time is it?" Jungkook asked smelling some examples

"9:56"Jimin answered playing with his tablet "sure. I'll go to Odeur's company at 10 : 30 to discuss things" Jungkook said sitting down in his office chair now

"discuss things? Or meet up with Taehyung because he didn't visit you?" Jimin teased, Jungkook glared at him and foucsed back on work

10 : 30 arrives and here he is, Staring outside the car's window, seeing how raindrops fall on the pavement that he didn't know that they have arrived

"Hey Jk were here" Jimin said snapping Jungkook and his little bubble

Jungkook jerked his head to Jimin "o–oh yeah uhm. Ok hoseok park the car yeah" Jungkook said, he was currently a mess

Jimin noticed this and dragged him out "you just got discharged and can you please tell me why do you want to see Mr. Kim?" Jimin asked as they entered the building

"I want to talk about the collaboration" he said confidently

Oh wow

One minute ago he was a mess and now he is confident as hell?

"hmm ok Jungkook" Jimin said and they went on going to Taehyung's office

Jungkook knocked three times getting no answer so he knocked once again

"come in!"

Jungkook coyly smiled and entered inside seeing Taehyung glaring at a smiling Jisoo

"oh hello Mr. Jeon. What do you want?" Jisoo asked sharply glaring at him

"i'm not here for you. But for Mr. Kim can I borrow him for a while?" Jungkook asked smirking at her

Jisoo rolled her eyes "no thank you. We want you to–" "Jisoo stop. What do you want Kook?" Taehyung asked looking at him

Jungkook smiled "I want to treat you a lunch and we could talk about the collaboration is that fine?" Jungkook asked tilting his head and blinking his doe eyes so that Taehyung could say yes rather than refuse him

You know Jungkook has an effect to Taehyung

Taehyung opened his mouth but nothing came so he closed his mouth like a fish

The person in front of him is so cute! Making him speechless so he just nods

Jungkook smiled "now Ms. Jisoo please leave us alone thank you" Jungkook said looking at her straight up from her eyes

Jisoo rolled his eyes, she can't do anything. She rose from her seat slinging her sling bag in her shoulder and stomped out a scowl in her face

Jungkook smiled in victory, he didn't want the girl's presence in the room or elese he gets frustrated he just want Taehyung alone

Wait what?

Jungkook sat down where Jisoo sat down awhile ago and gave Taehyung a warm smile

"lets go?" he asked, Taehyung looked at him like he just saw a ghost "uhm Taehyung? You look like you just seen a ghost" Jungkook said

Taehyung shook his head "uh. Sorry for that. Its easy for you to kick out Jisoo like that" Taehyung said

Jungkook smiled grew "of course" he simply said and rose up from his seat

"lets go grab some lunch. I'll text Jimin to go back to the company by himself" Jungkook said and rose up from his seat

Taehyung nods standing up from his office chair and the two went out of the office beside

As they walk beside each other outside of the company of course they would totally hear the whispers and murmurs of the people

"oh my gosh are they going to marry again?"

"sis I hope so they looked good together"

"heard the company of Mr. Jeon will collab with ours isn't that cool?! We're supposed to be rivals!"

Jungkook sighed "lets just walk I need some fresh air" Jungkook suggested and who does taehyung not say no at him

Taehyung nods and they walk together beside the streets of Seoul hands interwined

He didn't know why they did that they just felt it 

And Jungkook will know articles of the two will flood everywhere

And probably Dispatch may post a picture of them holding hands

Anyways next thing they knew they were sitting in macdonals eating mcnuggs and fries

"again why are we here?" Taehyung asked "because I want to?" Jungkook answered coming out as a question

"ugh you said it was your treat! I literally paid our food!" Taehyung whined, Jungkook evily smiled "you didn't visit me in the hospital and this is the only way you could make up those mistakes" he said emphasising the only

Taehyung rolled his eyes "koo i'm busy and jisoo always stops me from going somewhere else" Taehyung said

Hearing the name Jisoo again makes Jungkook's blood boil "don't mention her name or i'll throw you in the trash can" Jungkook said like he's spitting an venom

"okay koo. Don't get angry at me, here a mcnugget" Taehyung said and grabbed a nugget from his box and showed it to Jungkook who looked at it

Jungkook bite's at it a smile then found its way in his lips

"wait. Koo I am thinking what shall we call the perfume we're making?" Taehyung asked eating the nugget that Jungkook bites

"mhmm kinda love the fruity-floral, with passionfruit top notes and creamy gardenia drydown" Jungkook said while munching nugget

"sure. I guess you've done your job just come with us in the lab and test some samples" Taehyung said

Jungkook nods "ok enough with work lets have fun for today buddy" Jungkook said playfully

"buddy?" Taehyung asked "hm yup. Let's be friends!" Jungkook exlaimed "friends?" Taehyung arched up his brow and Jungkook eagerly nods

"alright buddy let's finish this food and we'll go somewhere" Taehyung said

Jungkook smiles. I guess friends will be nice for us


Hello please shout at my face to update more 😔

Anyways I can't say much because I don't know and yeah yeah yeah

Bye bye 👋🏻

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