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Its the next day. He already packed the things he needed in a small box because he didn't have that so many things

A knock on the door startled him, he heaved a sigh and opened the door noticing its the Landlord lady "yah! Its not yet the ti–" "oh Jeon! Since you're Mr. Kim's fiancée you will not pay your apartment this month and congratulations!!" that's what she said and she scurried away

Jungkook's left there dumbfounded "uhm ok" he sid and closed the door

I guess i'm ready to go into that big ass house. He thought as he grabbed his phone from the table and dialed Taehyung which is named Hubby


"uhm its me Jungkook I guess i'm ready to go into your house"

"oh sure i'll call the driver and he'll pick you up"

"oh thank you"

"you're welcome sweetheart" and once again his cheeks flared up

Kook's not used in calling pet names alright

"b–bye bye"

"bye bun" and he hunged up, he heaved a sigh and effortlessly carried the box

He walked into the elevator and pressed the ground floor "Jeon where are you going?" the Landlord lady asked "oh i'm leaving my apartment now thank you for the nice (crappy) apartment" Jungkook said and bowed his head "oh ok good luck on your wedding bye!" she exlaimed and waved her hands

Jungkook just waved his hands his backis showing and he saw that black limousine

"Jeon Jungkook?" the guard asked "yup!" he said popping the P

"i'm Hoseok you're and Taehyung's personal driver" he greeted and smile brightly

A happy energy radiating in him

Jungkook smiled back and handed his box to Hoseok

Hoseok opened the trunk and placed the box inside, Hoseok closed it and walk towards Jungkook opening the door for him

Jungkook uttered a small thank you and entered inside the limousine and seriously the smell of the smells like one of thier perfumes but he just can't wrap his fingers

He shrugged his shoulder and rested his back into the seat trying to be comfortable

They finally arrived in the house, it isn't that big nor small its very modern and minimalist

"we are here!" Hoseok exlaimed, Jungkook nods as he examined the house more. Hoseok walks out of the car and opened the door of Jungkook

Jungkook once again muttered a small thank you and walked out of the car

Hoseok carried Jungkook's box "oh let me just–" "no need too" Hoseok insisted "but" before he could even touch his box Hoseok jogged into the door

Jungkook sighed and enter the house, how minimalist and simple the outside looked like well that's how the inside just looked like

A wow escaped his lips "hey Koo" Someone called him making his head turned towards the owner "oh hello Taehyung" Jungkook greeted and smile showing his bunny teeth

Taehyung frozed, his teeth is so cute he just looked like a bunny!

Oh my god what the heck am I thinking?

Jungkook examined him up and down and he could literally tell he's wearing gucci top to bottom

His mouth ajar, he's so rich! "what are you staring at?" Taehyung asked snapping Jungkook's trance "oh I'm sorry you're clothes are literal gucci and i'm not used to it" Jungkook shyly explained as he rubbed his arm, looking down

"oh no. Don't be shy come on lets fix your things" Taehyung said and he left Jungkook downstairs

Jungkook heaved a sigh and went upstairs as well

I guess Being a rich is pretty cool


Hello didn't see you there :') how is it? Its actually messy for me so yeah

Anyways stan taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye

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