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Taehyung confessed to his Jin hyung they gave advices and left

He should try to move on and focus on his work

And that's the thing he will do

He will move on


2 months then Taehyung finally launched his women perfumes and its a big trend in whole korea I mean not in korea the whole wide world!

And its having a good impression to the people

And Jungkook for living in Philippines he can understood or sometimes talk tagalog or english

"hello sir ano po hanap niyo?" (hello sir what are you looking for?) well he understood that "ah uhm i'll check" he akwardly said (in english) and looked for perfumes

He then saw a brand that maked him nostalgic Odeur céleste

"sir that's a new stock I know its really famous in Korea" Jungkook nods and grab a scent strip

He sprayed it on his wrist and on the scent strip

He fanned the scent strip in his face and he could smell peaches and a little bit of those wood scents that compliment each others

(I am not a perfume expert so don't comment saying that don't smell good just go with the flow sis)

"I want some peachy scent oh and a natural woody scent that suits me well!"

He shook those thoughts off and smelled the perfume in his wrist and its great

This type of scent suits him very well "i'll get this thank you" Jungkook said and pointed that perfume he tested "opo sir!" (sure sir) she walked to the back storage

Jungkook looked at some perfumes that trended this year 2018 ( I know its 2019 but this is my fanfic so yeah)

"oh and please make it three thanks" Jungkook half shouted

The lady comes back with 3 perfumes "hey sir pamilyar po kayo saakin" (hey sir you look familiar to me) she said "oh excuse me? I can't understand tagalog that well" he shyly said "oh you look familiar to me you know the CEO–" "Whats the price again?" The lady looked terrified so she scoffed "uhm it cost 7,005 pesos" She said

Jungkook smiled and grabbed seven one thousand pesos and a 5 pesos and gave it to her, recieving a receipt afterwards

The lady placed the perfumes in a paper bag and gave it to Jungkook

"thank you" Jungkook said, the lady gave him a warm smole before Jungkook left

He heaved a sigh "That's close" he said of course in korean because he felt like having a nose bleed after speaking a thunds of english

He then looked at the perfumes a smile then crept on his face

This is the perfect gift for Jimin


Oh its December in thier time yee yee so that means christmas is nearing yee yee 🤠

And I laughed and its double update :')

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