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After thier staring contest, Jungkook looked away and scoffed "I think I should go, I should already pack we're leaving tomorrow k bye" Jungkook said and rose up from the sand

"oh ok i'll walk you through to your room" Taehyung said and rose back to the sand as well

Jungkook gave him a warm smile "sure" he answered and they walk back together

In the mid way to go to thier hotel room thier hands bumps together and what happens next is they obliviously hold hands

Jungkook's heart is pounding. Wtf why the heck is his hands so warm?! Geez I'm dying

Taehyung as well. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Both cheeks tinted red as Jungkook pressed the up button. The brunette bit his bottom lips waiting for the elevator to come pick them up

He's ready to squeal

As soon as they Heard The doorbell dings they got inside pressing the 4th (3rd I don't know) floor

The silence isn't akward, its comfortable and soothing actually, Taehyung who is hiding his smile on the other hand is a Nervous blushing Jungkook


The two walked out of the elevator, Jungkook fished his keys using his free hand

They walked in the hall until Jungkook stopped "is this your room?" Taehyung asked pointing at the door

"nope. Well of course it is silly" Jungkook said and giggled "thank you so much you can go now and rest" the brunette smiled

Taehyung smiled back and unclasped both of thier hands missing the warmth of thier hands

Taehyung waved, Jungkook waved back muttering bye bye's

Jungkook quickly opened his room, closed his door and slumped back on his door sqealing

"ah I feel like an highschool girl" Jungkook said and rose from the floor and stormed in his room a big smile in his face.

Sassy bitchy Dwarf🌈🌝

Jungfuck :
Hi sis

Semen :
What do you want?

Jungfuck :

Semen :

Jungfuck :
Taehyung duh 🙄

Semen :

Jungfuck :

Semen :
Better ride that cock great siss🤩🙌

Jungkook :

Semen :
Whatever yoongi's callin me bye bye sis

Jungfuck :
Whatever midget 🙄

Jungkook closed his phone as he sighed "I freakin love this day" He said and squealed again like an high school girl


is phone vibrated, he grabbed his phone probably Jimin he thought as he typed words not bothering to look at the person whose messaging him


Jungkook :
Sis I thought yoongi called you? Ffs don't text me i'm busy squealing

Kth :
Why are you squealing?

Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs "fuck fuck I thought its Jimin!! Its taehyung you dumbass!" Jungkook screamed


Jungkook :
Oh fuck sorry I thought you were jimin

Kth :
No worries but why are you squealing?

Jungkook :
Oh shit Jimin's calling me bye bye!

Kth :
Uhm ok bye

And once again Jungkook squealed "fuck my heart"


Queen Jungkook being a dumbass in 5 minutes lol anyways I studied twitter stan lingo and they're cool I just did it because I can't understand anything twitter gays said 😔 so I studied them but I finished it anyways and yeah hope you like this disgustingly filler chapter and bye bye

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