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Next Day

Jungkook walks into his company (with a headache) , people who pass by him greeted him which Jungkook greeted back by bowing his head and muttering a small good morning

As soon as he entered his office he was greeted by Jimin's bright smile and a familiar sun smile

"oh Hoseok didn't see you there" Jungkook said and placed his suit case down in a corner

"yes. as you can see Hoseok will apply in our company" Jimin said "as what?" Jungkook asked sitting down on his office chair

"your personal driver" Jimin answered , Jungkook looked at hoseok "sure that's cool" Jungkook said and smiled

"and Odeur Céleste wanted to have meeting with you" Jimin said. Jungkook looked at him arching up his brow

"what does Taehyung wanted with me?" Jungkook asked "that's what I asked but he just wanted to have a meeting no reasons" Jimin answered

"hmm fine. Hoseok let's go" Jungkook said and rose up from his chair same with the two

Hoseok opened the door for Jungkook, Jimin sat in the passengers seat while Jungkook sat behind

As the ride starts he started to drown in the playing music

He then saw the company's building nearing, he straighten his clothes and heaved a big sigh

Jungkook felt vibrations in his pocket, so he fished it and saw a message

Taehyungie 🙃
You near yet?

He tapped the message and it bringed him into thier conversation

Taehyungie 🙃

Taehyung :
You near yet?

Jungkookie :
What do you want?

Taehyung :
Imma discuss something

Jungkookie :
I just wanted to get stuck in my office and here you are ruining it 😒

Taehyung :
Its important

Jungkookie :
Whatever floats in your boat Mr. Kim
And were parking now so don't txt me anymore :D

Taehyung :

As soon as he received a response from Taehyung Jungkook shut his phone as his door opened, he got out from the car

And walked through the building, people noticed him instantly

Not as a CEO but as Mr. Kim's husband


"oh Mr. Kim long time no see"

Jungkook sighed "sorry i'm a Jeon" he corrected and smiled and walked away like nothing happened

"is this company didn't know you guys divorced?" Jimin asked "I really don't know" Jungkook replied

Jimin pressed the top button, as soon as they heard a ding they entered inside

Jimin pressed the 4th floor button, "are you nervous?" Jimin asked "why would I be nervous?" Jungkook asked back "I don't know just feel like it" Jimin said

Jungkook rolled his eyes and then the elevator dinged, they got out and walked towards a hall of glass rooms

And then he notice a room that hasn't a glass window so expect that there will be thier meeting will get held especially since there are body guards guarding it

"Mr. Jeon?" The guard asked, voice not so deep but these persons muscles are popping through thier Black shirt

"yes" Jungkook said, one of the guard opened the door for him, he walked inside seeing Taehyung, his assistant Natalia and His moth–oof its Mrs. Kim

"oh dear please sat down" Mrs. Kim said, Jungkook bowed and sat down beside Taehyung of course

"alright since everyone's complet let's go straight to the point. We wanted a collab darling" Mrs kim said slamming his palms in the long ass table

Jungkook was shook

Them collab ppfffftttt

"we will let you customised a perfume come on sweetie please accept it please please" Mrs. Kim pleads

Jungkook wanted to shook his head badly

He didn't wanted to get flooded by articles that the two are secretly in relationship and they're giving some hints or somethin

But what he did is the opposite. Is jungkook a masochist? I don't know but he can't find himself saying no to the Kims

"great sweetie pie! As soon as the day ends please think some ideas about your perfume thank you" Mrs. Kim said and hugged the younger

Jungkook hugged her back, Mrs Kim broke the hug with a smile on her face until someone barged in

Thier heads snapped at the person, a girl with red hair that reached down his butt, a beautiful face, skin looked so soft, lips thin yet plump, beautiful black eyes, in short  she is drop dead gorgeous

Taehyung got tensed, he felt his breathing got heavier

She walks towards the projector, slamming her palms on the table just like what Mrs. Kim did awhile ago

"hello. Especially you Taehyung" she greeted her voice like honey yet her tone is aggressive

"may I announce that I'm Pregnant and the father is You!" she pointed at Taehyung

Everyone gasped as in everyone

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and he surely did see a little spark in his eyes butbhe shook it off

Here's the backstory. Last month or maybe 2 months ago, his friend invited him to the bar Taehyung reluctantly agreeing and then he got himself wasted and fucked a girl which is thid girl

Her name is Kim Jisoo

"and you have to marry me! You have the responsibility to this child!"


Everything is settled down. Jisoo proved that she is carrying a baby

And now she wanted to Taehyung to marry her

But jungkook is suspicious about her and her so called baby

Jungkook seem cool in the outside but when he heard that the girl is carrying a baby his heart broke into tiny little pieces and got stepped afterwards

"are you ok ab–" "no don't speak just give me time" Jungkook said and he went back on sulking

He must know that the baby isn't real or he'll die



Guys i'm sorry Jisoo needs to be a bad girl but she isn't in real life she's a total softie and cutie so yeah

I just guess that Jisoo fit my imagination better that's why i used her

Anyways bye bye guys hope you stay tune as always :)

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