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Jimin is limping badly "oh my god Jimin. Yoongi you are such a meanie" Jungkook said and slapped Yoongi shoulder "he wanted that who wouldn't resist?!" Yoongi defended "shut up and help me here!" Jimin whined

Jungkook snickered and ket Yoongi to help his own boyfriend, Jungkook pressed the down button

He tapped his foot impatiently "oh dear–" "mom shut up" Jungkook frozed, he looked at Jimin and Yoongi whose bickering "guys i'm taking the stairs bye" he said in once breath and stormed into the stairs

"oh my where is he going?" Jimin asked his boyfriend who else?? Until they felt some other presence

The two looked at them a man in suit in his maybe 20's and a lady in a dress and in her late 40's and they look korean

And surely Jimin noticed that man. Kim Taehyung

"that's why he left pfft" Jimin murmured, Yoongi shrugged as the 4 wait for the elevator


The two couple entered inside and pressed the G button

Then there comes the Kim family, of course its silent who the heck talks into strangers even though they clearly know the two but the others didn't know them

On the other hand there is a panting Jungkook, his hands are in his thighs as he wait for his bestfriend

Yes he got first


He hide, as he noticed Taehyung's side profile and its still gorgeous as ever

And then he saw the midget, he sighed and popped in front of them scaring Jimin

"oh my god don't fucking do that!" he whined and slapped Jungkook's shoulder "stop we should go" he said

"that's a great idea" Yoongi said


"well the place looked so fuckin cool" Jimin said looking around and heck its so cool

It has some paintings and those perfumes that trended the past years

"you guys can do whatever you want i'll go by myself because I don't want to be a third wheel so go on" Jungkook said and left the two

He tried to find thier perfume. Oh haven't I told you that he's hiding his identity that he's the CEO of Natürlicher Duft because you know the reason

But of course you can't hide everything and he's just waiting for the right time

"where's the CEO of Natürlicher Duft I want to meet her" Jungkook snickered "i'm him" he whispered and walked to Estee Lauder

"i'm sorry but she didn't accept it" Jimin said and left Ms. Sha dumbfounded

Jungkook tried the Estee Lauder perfume and it smells good. And he passed that perfume brand

A smile crept in his face as he grabbed  his favourite out of all of them and sprayed in his wrist smelling it like there's no forever, as he remember all of thier good times

He walked away from the brand and checked the others


Taehyung was wandering around until he passed that Natürlicher Duft

He grabbed a random perfume which is a man perfume and sprayed it in his wrist

He smelled it and it smells just like him, he arched up his brow. he loved this scent mint and strawberries

"great one" he mumbled and placed the perfume down as he walked over in his company's area he noticed that same figure


"Jungkook" he whispered as a smile crept in his face unfortunately he walked over away

Taehyung followed him until he turned around


Jungkook felt someone's following him, he's ready to punch this person in the nose as he clenched his fist

He turned around and punched the person in the nose and he fall  down with a thud

"omo!" Jungkook squeaked out and placed his hands on his mouth "Taehyung!"


Lol feeling nostalgic?

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