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Prefered song to listen

Let Go - BTS

The whole 2 months didn't work out. Yes they do small talks but that's it, they eat together but no one dared to speak

The two wanted to say sorry but can't bring it up. They can't even talk freely.

Of course he told Jimin about this (he said sorry a thunds of times) , everything like the feeling he has in Taehyung and everything that happened in the past 6 months

Jungkook started to sleep in the other room while Taehyung sleeps in thier old shared room

Oh you're asking what he did the next day when the two were fighting, well he just shrugged it off a normal human does that its not that romantic

And its the day October 16th, the two were sitting in front of each other in a restaurant

In the middle of them is a sheet of paper that declares they will get divorced

Jungkook wanted to cry and begged Taehyung not to do this and rip the paper apart but being a foolish person he is. He can't

The two were staring at the paper deeply rethinking thier decisions

But sadly that's it. The 6 months didn't work out

"I guess it didn't work out" Taehyung said sadness latched in his tone

Jungkook hummed in respose, Taehyung sighed and he looked at the younger "as I said you'll get 100 thousand dollars and you can do anything" Taehyung said

I don't need money, I need you, I need your love

Jungkook gave him a weakly smile "go on sign the paper" He doesn't care about me. He didn't even ask what i'm feeling is that how much you don't like me? Why bother?

Jungkook sighed and slowly bring the pen up i'm ready to let go now, and he signed the paper

They are finally divorced.

Taehyung slided him a check of 100,00 thousand dollars "do whatever you want in that. Do anything just don't use it in a illegal way" Taehyung said

Jungkook grabbed the check, the tears he's keeping wanted to escape. He wanted to rip the paper apart so badly

After this day he's back on his usual day

Eat, School, Eat, Study, Sleep not
Eat, School, Talk to Taehyung, Study, Talk to Taehyung and Sleep

It just hurts

On the other hand, Taehyung it looks like he's cool but he isn't inside

He didn't want the younger to go away but I guess that what makes him happy afterall he didn't deserve the younger

He wanted to rip the paper apart as well but it happened now he can't do anything

"Its nice to work with you Jungkook" Its so hard to say that so hard

"you too. And thank you i'm going" Jungkook said and stood up he then bowed "sure" Taehyung uttered

And then he walked towards the exit tears slowly cascading down his eyes as he looked at the piece of paper

Taehyung looked at his disappearing back, feeling a tear escaped from his eyes

He can't do anything now, he can't rewind the time and bring the younger back in his arms

"good bye sweetheart"


I literally teared up. Why am I even listening to Let go?! Ugh!

Oh I see this edit and i'm screamin

Its a fmv I guess? Its Love Sick fool by Somnuim and its great 👍🏻

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Its a fmv I guess? Its Love Sick fool by Somnuim and its great 👍🏻

And bye bye

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