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That 2 months taehyung tried to move on and yeah it kind of worked but sometimes he just misses the younger's warmth

And now here they are piled up in the loving room looking at the fire, hot chocolate with marshmallows in thier hands which is made by one and only Mrs. Kim

Its December of 24th waiting for the 12 o'clock to strike then they can open the gifts

Jin kept on looking at his phone 11:45 "geez i'm so excited!" Jin beamed "shut up we wanted to save our voices later" Taehyung said

Jin rolled his eyes and he drank his hot chocolate

14 minutes later







They all cheered and hugged and jump going in circles "alright lets open some gifts!!" Jin cheered

They all gave each other gifts 2 or 3 gifts

"alright Taehyungie open your gift now" Jin said "and mention the person who gave you the gift" Mrs. Kim said

"to Jin Hyung" he mentioned and opened the pink metallic gift and he saw it already a gucci thing

His mouth then turns into an O and aggressively opened the gift and he opened the box

His jaw dropped an expensive gucci sweater "aw thanks Jin hyung!" He exlaimed and hugged the older boy tightly

"yah yah I can't breath" He said and fakely coughed an air

Taehyung pulled away and grabbed a gift "to joonie hyung"he mentioned and examined the christmas Wrapped gift

"go on open it up" Taehyung aggressively opened it and his jaw drops again

This is his favourite food what the heck?!

"oh my god namjoon hyung thank you" he said and opened it grabbing a piece and eating it

"and lastly. Probably to mom" he grabbed it and read the gift tag

His gloomy fave turns into a sad and mourning face

Jin and the others looked at each other with a worried look "dear its just a prank don't worry" Mrs. Kim said

And that's when Taehyung bursted in tears "Auntie I told you that's a bad prank" Jin said

Mrs. Kim just gave him a sorry face, the three hugged the sobbing younger whispering good things

And finally Taehyung calmed down and opened the gift silently

A gucci watch. The thing he wanted for Jungkook to buy

"hey Tae if it's your birthday what do you like for me to give you?" Jungkook asked "a gucci watch" Taehyung answered

"yah! That's expensive!" he whined "you have all the money so don't act like its expensive " Taehyung said

Jungkook giggled "sure i'll buy you that"

Taehyung gave them a weak smile "thanks mom" he muttered

And they celebrated the Christmas with laughters and happiness except taehyung


December 30th Taehyung's birthday he recieved a thunds of texts from peers and friends

Happy birthday son lets eat dinner

Child that likes to shoo me away
thanks mom but i'm going to have this time for myself only

Sure have fun

He sighed and replied to the people he's closed too

Handsome man
Happy born day Taetae 💜

Big time CEO
Thanks 💜

Joon joon
Happy birthday Taehyung ah

Thank you

He looked at thier (jungkook) conversation refreshing every minute

Waiting for his text. Waiting for his happy birthday tae!!! ❤️💜 Eat a lots of cake!

"hey if its my birthday what will you text me if i'm far away" Taehyung suddenly asked out of the blue

"uhm I'll text you Happy birthday tae with 3 exclamation point for I love you joke and 2 hearts that is red and purple one and Eat a lots of cake" he answered and giggled as he booped Taehyung's nose

Taehyung had a frown on his face, he will never have that text ever

Jungkook have moved on from him while he can't

On the other part of the world there is Jungkook contemplating to text


Bunny bunny 🐰
Happy birthday tae!!! ❤️💜 Eat a lots of cake!|

He sighed and touched the split screen mode and removed the messages on his tab

"He won't even bother to reply on it why bother" Jungkook said and placed his phone upside down

"why am I like this! Why am I still missing him?!"



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