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After their sex session the two ended up having another round in the bathroom

After that the two changed into different clothes, Taehyung wearing comfy clothes while Jungkook wore lingerie and a silky silver robe to cover it

He's comfy in these shut up

Anyways they ends up cuddling in tbe bed watching the whole MCU movies in order, they also ordered pizza, make popcorn and everysingle second Taehyung would peck his head, his lips, his cheeks, his forehead I mean like every part of him!

Well i'm not complaining tho

Jungkook loved it

But when he got pecked in the cheeks were Iron Man fights this wierd ass dude he's ready to kill Tae

Lol jk

"if I you were chosen who would you save me or iron man?"


"that's swee–"

"Iron Man has devices on him, he could save himself without worries while you, you would look pityful so I would save you"

Taehyung pouted "that's mean of you" Taehyung said "and you're mean too. Stop interrupting me or i'll surrender you to Thanos Taehyung" Jungkook snapped, eyes focused on the  Movie

Taehyung snickered

His boyfriend looked hot when he's focused tho

Ok he should shut up


He grabbed his phone, it had cracks in the sides but it still works  so don't worry

He opened his phone and opened his messaging and texted Mia

Taehyung :
Lets meet this sunday :)

Mia :
No its ok focus more on your boyfriend I have to meet Hoseok btw

Taehyung :

Mia :
yeah Hoseok got my number dunno why and asked me to eat with him

Taehyung :
Lets do a double date

Mia :
We are not dating!

Taehyung :

Mia :
Like promise

Taehyung :

Mia :Why do you have that in ur gallery?!

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Mia :
Why do you have that in ur gallery?!

Taehyung :
Idk I guess my boyfriend saved it for me
Ok don't change the topic mother fucker

Mia :
Fuck u
We are not dating you could say were best friends

Taehyung :
You met for like 2 days and now you two wer like very very best friends?!

Mia :
Uhm kinda

Taehyung :

Mia :
Slang isn't for u tae

Taehyung :
Anyways bye bye and have fun talking to Hoseok Mia imma have fun with my babyboy

Mia :
Ew disgusting imma just txt hobi since he understands me well 😔

Taehyung shuts off his phone and faced his lover wanting to admire his beauty

How his face glowed with the tv lights, his Hazel eyes turns into galaxy that you can easily get lost in, how his nose looks so boopable and perfect, and his perfect lips, it looked thin but for Taehyung it was the perfect lips he have seen, how it naturally turn pink

Everything about the younger is so perfect

not only his face is perfect but also his body, how he had a feminine body structure, how he had a tiny waist that Taehyung loves so much, his thighs thick as ever, and how his ass is a perfect bubble it might not be the thickest ass you ever seen–ok he should stop

Jungkook is perfect

In Taehyung's eyes

No one can outstand his beauty

"you're perfect and beautiful Jungkook" Taehyung murmured under his breath

( credits to Perfect by ed sheeran but like this is coincidence, I am listening to an Are u human ost and I suddenly wrote this and then perfect by ed sheeran played in my mind lol)

Taehyung's heart beat fastens, butterflies swarmed in his stomach

And it felt like the world became slow as Jungkook looked at him with his purest hazel eyes

Jungkook has a little smile in his face

When he heard those, he also felt the same way Taehyung does

His heart beat fastens

Butterflies swarmed in his stomach

Its you know the clichest (is that even a word I dunno whatever) thing you will ever heard

But it just protrays what they're feeling

And this time

The two were lost in each others eyes, passion and love visible

They felt like in a kdrama

But this isn't a kdrama it was the reality

And then it all snapped

The universe wanted them to be together no matter what happens they are always destined together

And hopefully there love would last forever even when they die


Hopefully they will be happy forever




Aw what a romantic chapter

And I feel like hobi and mia are perfect for each other


Oof won't spill the tea bye bye–and oh by the way I guess u got the notification I updated awhile ago I was texting my friend when i accidentally pressed publish

And I oop–

Anyways bye bye

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