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Jungkook grabbed all the things he need for his class and shoved them on his bag

He's a literal mess

His hair is disheveled and dark circles under his eyes. He searched so many jobs in the Internet the whole night yet that doesn't suit his ideal job

And he's late. Great so fucking great

A good day to start aren't we?

Jungkook dashed out of his apartment and run to hankook University


Press are following him everywhere like everywhere he goes even into the restaurant he eats and its sickening

Once he opened his computer articles popped out of nowhere saying that he is marrying someone

He needs to stop this right now and one thing that he needs to do is to fucking marry someone

He doesn't have any choice

He called his assistant Natalia "yes sir?" she asked "bring me to Hankook University now!" He demands

"yes sir the car is on the way
but why?" "well being a great person I am wanted to helo broke students and uni is the place where many students are broke" "oh ok the car is already outside" "great" he smiled

"uhm sir not for being nosy but I really didn't get you awhile ago why do you want me to show you broke students" His assistant asked "you dense shit I need someone to marry just to stop this bullshit" Taehyung said looking out the window and he saw the press following them making him smirk "so perfect" he mumbled

He finally arrived the university with the media following him

He entered a class which is the chemistry class

And as soon as he opened the door his eyes catched into a beautiful man

Skin fair and as he can see its milky and smooth, his eyes just screams innocence, his lips are pink and he has a cute boopable nose

That is perfect

"Him he's my fiancée" he said and pointed at the man

Everyone gasped including the person he just pointed

Jungkook is literally having a bad day, he forgot his homework and now he's getting scolded by this bald teacher

Fuck you and fuck my life fuck everyone!

The door opened, Jungkook turned his head to the person  who just opened the door making both have eye contact


"him he's my fiancée" Jungkook's jaw dropped, and he gasped like everyone did even the teacher who's scolding him awhile ago

Wtf?! Whose this man to say that I am his fiancée?!

"what?" Being out of his mind he throwed the book he's holding at the person

"oh shit" the girl beside him mumbled knowing what will happen next

And great it just hitted Taehyung from the nose making him pass out, everyone yelped

"omo!" the girl beside him exlaimed and bend down to check the man

Jungkook eyes widened and his mouth turn into an O. He just throwed a book into the man who claimed him as his fiancée

Well he deserved it

He shook his head and ran to the man "sir sir are you ok?" he asked like a idiot, cuz he'll not answer since he's passed out

"uhm everyone please leave thank you. You guys got your answers now leave!" she yelled and shooed the reporters even the students

And the three where the only ones in the room "oh my gosh Mr. Kim" The assistant said and shook the Mr. Kim's shoulders

"uhm you're Jungkook right?" The assistant asked "uhm yea?" he answered which turned out to be an question

"please come with me. Oh help ne first to carry Mr. Kim" the brunette then nods


Taehyung finally woke up with a pounding head, he had a cold towel on his head and noticed that he was sitting

He saw that man with beautiful features sipping a milk tea "what happened?" he asked propping his elbow in the chair's armrest and removed the cold towel and throwed it somewhere

"oh sorry I throwed you a book awhile ago I really don't know what happened to me Mr. Kim" Jungkook apologised and bowed his head

"no no I'm sorry for shocking you" Mr. Kim said "by the way i'm taehyung so please drop the formalities afterall you're going to be my soon to be husband" hearing those slip out of his mouth make his cheeks heat

Yes the man is very attractive, like girls or even boys can suck his toes and they'll still say thank you

That is Jungkook right now

He is drop dead gorgeous and as you can see he's rich but who the heck is he to barge in the classroom and tell Jungkook that he is his fiancée

"oh I guess you don't know me I'm a CEO of Parfum Masculin and my mother–" "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Jungkook shouted "I am the CEO of Parfum Masculin wait you have–" "oh my fREAKIN GOSH! THAT IS LIKE MY FAVOURITE PERFUME BRAND WHAT THE HECK! TELL ME YOUR SECRE–" "shut up! And what is your name?" Taehyung softly asked "oh sorry for my blabbering, I'm Jeon Jungkook a broke ugly student" he said and smiled brightly

"oh" was all Taehyung could say, why would this fluffball call hinself ugly?

"anyways as you can tell I wanted you too marry me asap since this people kept on bugging me" Taehyung said "uhm ok?" He said well actually turned out to be a question more

"if you married me i'll answer everything as in everything just tell me what you need and i'll buy you that. Unfortunately when things didn't work for us in 6 months then we'll get divorce but you'll get a 100,000 dollars and you could do anything you want afterwards" Taehyung explained making Jungkook eyes sparkle at the mention of money but still he's contemplating

Marry is a big word, when you marry someone you should love them with your heart whole

If he married this man then its impossible for him not to feel attracted to him

6 months is a long time for him and he is sure that he'll feel attracted to him after all they'll sleep in the same bed, room and basically live in the same house

But the money

He didn't want to be forever broke or even kicked out in his crappy apartment

So he didn't have any choice its either he'll get hurt or he'll get poor and he chose the first one

"sure i'll go for it"


This is fucking long. But anyways hope you liked it ::)))))) cuz everything is planned what's even new?

Anyhoes stan taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye

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