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Everyone gasped, is this the old CEO's Husband I heard he was invited and such more

Taehyung gulped, I mean they both gulped. Jungkook cleared his throat catching most of all the people's attention

"Hello I'm Jeon Jungkook...

I am Natürlicher Duft's CEO. I hope that you guys like the perfume we did. I putted all my blood, sweat, and tears in making this and as we see people's impressions everything is pretty worth it.

Our main goal in our company is showing your natural scent /beauty. That's why we cope up to not make our perfumes to smell too strong but rather than refreshing and great.

And maybe you're asking why i'm a boy is a CEO of a company is it supposed to be women to be CEO?

Well actually perfumes are literally to everyone, to every gender

Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Lesbian.

A quick story time I used to love perfume so much that sometimes I experiment in my house and make a perfume

And a thought crossed my mind that when I grew up I wanted to build a company of perfume and share it to the whole world and here I am happily talking to everyone.

And lastly I want to thank everyone for attending into my launching I really don't expect this so many people..."Jungkook lets out an chuckle before starting again

"and that's it thank you guys for listening bye bye have a good stay" Jungkook waved and everyone cheered

He walked out of the stage, the music started, yoongi rapping and Jimin singing

Jungkook started going into some business woman/man talking to them formally

"I heard you were the some old CEO's Husband–" ah of course that's why he hid himself to everyone

Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth "I wouldn't rather to answer that" Jungkook said politey, hopefully it comes out like that

"sure dear" the lady said and walked past him to the liquor table

"oh my Jungkook I didn't expect you to be a CEO" a familiar voice said

He beamed her a big smile, Jungkook and Mrs. Kim pecked thier cheeks well not literally just thier cheeks touching each other

"well how's being a CEO darling?"Mrs. Kim asked "its stressful, didn't get much sleep though but I guess everything's worth it" Jungkook answered

"pfft. Everyone is like that even when I am still a CEO my husband would scold me for not getting any sleep" Mrs. Kim Jokes leaving Jungkook in chuckles

"you know you got me shocked over there I didn't know you were a CEO you're so young!" Mrs Kim exlaimes making Jungkook chuckle

"i've heard some people say that" Jungkook chimed "well let me ask dear. Why did you hid yourself from everyone?" Mrs Kim asked "Don’t want so much attention because i'm the blah blah blah" Jungkook replied

Mrs. Kim smiled at him holding his knuckles tightly "Don’t worry dear we're always by your side" Mrs. Kim said emphasising  we're

Jungkook gave her a warm yet small smile

"i'm going now darling take care of yourself. Don't stress so much hmm?" Jungkook nods

Mrs. Kim let go of his knuckles, Jungkook waved at her which she waved back before walking away

Jungkook whipped around as he scurried to talk to some CEO

But in the way he bumped someone's shoulder and this is the person he least wanted to meet nor talk too (seriously Jungkook you guys talked and even hold hands why so nervous one time you were squealing about him?! Oof sorry back to the story wew that rhymes oh fuck shut up ri) well  thats what fate bringed him



Taehyung was left shook, he was wandering around the place for like the 3rd time? People kept on giving him wierd looks since he's going around the whole place but he didn't give a fuck since his mother is lost and he needed to talk to someone about stuff (probably him being shook since kook is a CEO of thier rival brand)

Like seriously who wouldn't get shook when your old husband becomes your rival

Being oblivious he didn't know, he just bumped someone's shoulder snapping him in his thoughts and supposedly to bark a look at your directions man but none goes out instead he stared at the beautiful orbs to the person who just bumped his shoulder

Thise brown hazel eyes that you can get lost, you wanted to stare for as long as you want. That taehyung wanted to stare each moment of his life

His eyes just tells everything

(^tae said that in a run episode just forgot what episode it is but don't even make me start. I squealed. Alright i'll shut up now)

And how much he wanted to stare in those eyes everything can't last forever



Fuck akskfnslkddj what is that click?! Sorry for leaving you guys hanging again 🤧 like if I were the reader I would rant why you were leaving us hanging lol but its what my brain and fingers wanted me to do cuz they're a hoe oh my gosh why am I even saying hoe so many times?! 😤 Anyways bye bye

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