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Taehyung is stunned. The boy is fiddling with the hem of his shirt

Mrs. Kim left after Jungkook barged in? Anyways an akward silence surrounds the atmosphere in the room

Taehyung looked at him. Still the same lips, eyes, nose, cheeks and everything

It was like yesterday. Obliviously cuddling in the bed and smiling at such a small things

Jungkook then decided to break the silence "I'm sorry" Jungkook squeaked out

Taehyung arched up his brow. Shit is he wanting to date with me?! Oh my god my heart

His heart is pounding, butterflies swarming in his stomach

"i'm sorry that I punched you" Taehyung's face falls "Oh" was what he said

He thought that they would be back. Back on being the lovers they are (even though they kept telling that they didn't love each other wth)

"I–I just thought that there is this creep following me so I punched you  because you're at my back" Jungkook almost whispered everything his voice is low and he felt like he wanted to cry because its the second time he hitted him

"hey hey don't cry. I'm fine my nose isn't damaged i'm cool" Taehyung cringed at his words

Cool what the f who uses that word?!

Jungkook sniffled "oh ok. I'm going bye" Jungkook mumbled, he lowly waved his hand and walked out of the door

Taehyung pouted. He thought that this human would take care of him and smile like he always do

But he just left like that

Its beens months they haven't seen each other and he just left?!

Maybe he has someone that's why

Thinking of that makes his heart got stabbed directly to it so he shook it off

A small smile then captured his lips at least he saw his baby


Jungkook walked out of the room seeing the yoonmin couple sleeping and Mrs. Kim

"you can go inside now" Jungkook said "is that all?" Mrs. Kim asked "yes. I'm too tired its past 12 and I need to sleep. He isn't still asleep though–shit I should tak– oh fuck" Jungkook akwardly said and rubbed the back if his neck

"oh dear go home now with your buddies and sleep tight i'll take the child to sleep hmm?" Jungkook nods, Mrs. Kim stood up givung her a warm smile and patting his shoulder

"have a good time" she said and she entered the room

Hearing the door closed, Jungkook heaved a sigh his face didn't change at all of course its been like 9 or 6 months its not like they haven't seen for years

Jungkook walks to the two, Jimin's head is resting into Yoongi's shoulder while yoongi's head is on top of Jimin's head

Jungkook tapped Jimin's shoulder the blonde fluttering his eyes open

"go away let me sleep" Jimin grumbled and went back to sleep "Jiminie do you want to sleep in the hospital?" Jungkook asked

Jimin murmured incoherent words and opened his eyes seeing the one and only Jungkook

"what do you want?" He asked anger laced in his tone

Yoongi raised his head up, eyes still closed "fuck off" he murmured and nudged Jimin away

Jimin spat some curses and rubbed his eyes

Yoongi then layed his head on his lap and he went back to sleep

"Jiminie carry that grumpy turtle and let us go home" Jimin rolled his eyes and he lazily stood up making yoongi's head fall in the hard chair with a thump

"oh fuck babe lets go. You can fuck me tomorrow come on" Jimin said and grabbed yoongi's arm and tugging it

Jungkook let out an sigh "Fuck it i'm tired. Tired as hell and i'm going to fucking drive you home"

Jimin grumbles and "i'll drive home just help me to carry yoongi" Jungkook gave him a small smile and he grabbed Yoongi's arm placing it on his shoulder same as Jimin

And finally they went home


So this is a trash like seriously anyways I love you all for reaching this a thousand reads i'm freaking diking happy! And yeah bye bye :')

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