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Taehyung and Jungkook ended up in a ring store to find some rings for thier wedding

Even though jungkook has a ring on his finger which Taehyung let him borrow since they need to pull the act very well

Cuz you know people gets suspicious on why you're fiancée does not wearany rings

"hello sir what are you looking for?" the lady behind the counter asked "uhm wedding rings?" "HONEY!" a familiar voice for Taehyung was heard

Jungkook's head turned to the owners voice, a lady in mid 30's running into them

"tae i–is she you're mother?" Jungkook whispered "no" Taehyung answered looking for the perfect ring "darling!" she once again exlaimed

Taehyung has enough of it. "mother go away" Taehyung whined and shooed his mother away

"tae what are you doing?" Jungkook hissed "what do you think?!" he asked back, Jungkook rolled his eyes

Jungkook turned his body to Mrs. Kim and bowed "goodmorning nice to meet you i'n Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook said, Mrs. Kim at how polite Jungkook is "aw you're so polite! Not like the other there" she said eyeing Taehyung, Jungkook just lets out an nervous chuckle

"anyways are you shopping for a ring?" She asked, Taehyung simply nods "oh I forgot to tell you guys are having an interview this 5 pm"

The two looked at each other "we'll accept it don't worry" Taehyung said leaving Jungkook nervous and anxious

"oh i'll help you guys on picking you're wedding rings!"


Taehyung throwed Jungkook an expensive tshirt, an gucci belt, and an yellow beret hat"thank you" Jungkook muttered and wore the clothes making sure to wear it carefully its from a designer brand and he didn't want to broke it

"the car is downstairs. So go down i'll come afterwards" Jungkook nods and grabbed his things including his beret hat

He wore them in the way to the car and shoved his phone and wallet in his pants

He entered inside the black car "good afternoon Mark" Jungkook said amd sat down comfortably in the seat "good afternoon sir!" "oh please call me Jungkook drop the formalities" Jungkook said and smiled

"where's Mr. Kim?" "oh he's coming don't worry" [ that actually sounded sexual] Jungkook said and smiled

"coming?" mark asked, Jungkook head snapped up "yes he's coming" Jungkook said cocking up his brow as he looked at mark in the rear view mirrors  "oh um sure yeah" mark then looked away

Soon Taehyung arrived "good afternood Mr. Kim" Taehyung nods

"lets go we don't want them to keep on waiting" Taehyung said, mark started the car and they drive ( Natalia texted hoseok where thier venue is)


"good afternoon or may I say evening to you too" the lady said as she chuckled afterwards

"good evening" Jungkook shyly said, Taehyung just didn't bother

"so you guys are having a wedding when?" The lady asked "maybe in 2 weeks" Taehyung replied. Jungkook's eyes widened

Wtf?! Next 2 weeks i'm getting married to this rich ass gorgeous man?!

"you seem suprised haven't he told you?" "uhm yes. Until today I am still suprised" Jungkook nervously answered

"so how did you guys meet?" "church" "bakery" they answered unisonly. The lady just gave them a wierd look

"uhm I saw him in the church praying and then.." "after that I walked to this bakery near the church and bought a bread unfortunately we bumped and my bread fall on the floor. Then I became really mad because i'm hungry and broke and don't have the money to buy it again so I throwed him my book that Iw as holding and yeah.."Jungkook said in one breath as he tried to go on the flow

And hopes that the lady would believe in thier lie. I mean some of it are true which is throwing the book whike the others were completely fake

He panted heavily as he grabbed the water ane chugged everything in it

"so you throwed him a book? How many have you throwed him a book?" she once again asked "3" Taehyung replied "the first is in the bakery, the next one when we are fighting, and the last one in his class. He throwed me a book since we fought that night" Taehyung explained

"ah. Is he going to be part in your company?" Jungkook's smiled go a litte bit wide "no" and Jungkook frowned "well he can visit me. But I will not allow him to be a part in my company. I have my reasons and I don't want to share it" Taehyung said

"alright. Thank you for visiting and congratulations on Your wedding" she said and smile afterwards clapping

Jungkook bowed his head muttering a thanks

They all stood up and shaked hands with her


"wow you're good at giving lies" Taehyung said "thank you. Shall I consider it compliment?" Jungkook asked taking a sip from his water "nope" Jungkook rolled his eyes

He is such an arrogant bitch and its getting on my nerves!


Double update cuz i'm happy lol as always bored what's new? summer sometimes is sickening

Anyhoes hope you liked it and stan taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye

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