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After thier Lunch they walked towards the nearest mall to buy some comfortable clothes because wearing suit  may be uncomfortable

Jungkook buyed a baby blue jacket with a cloud in the center and some denim pants while Taehyung bought a black tshirt and black ripped jeans and partnered it with a cheapest belt

"you look good" Taehyung compliments Jungkook, Jungkook looked at him with sparkling eyes and eyed him from head to toe

"you look hot" he uttered and that sents heat in thier cheeks "t–thanks" Taehyung stuttered and they walk towards their destination

Jungkook mouths hang open when he saw where they going "what the fuck?! I'm not a kid!" Jungkook whined and grabbed Taehyung's wrist trying to drag him away to the bouncy slide

"eyy No no no koo we are not going anywhere were plain there" Taehyung said and dragged jungkook to the bouncy slide who kept on whining because he isn't kid instead he was an adult

"oh hello sir" the lady that was sitting in the chair a red table infront of her and a sign that says

Sassy's Bouncy Slide!

30 minutes = 10,000
1 hour = 20,000
2 hour = 25,00

Taehyung looked at her "can we rent it? Don't let other kids play with it?" Taehyung asked

The girl looked at him weirdly "uhm sir do you have a kid?" The girl asked "yes I do. We'll take the hour one and don't let kids play with us is that ok?" Taehyung asked and fished his wallet still holding Jungkook who holds his wrist

The lady just slowly nods, Taehyung grabbed 30,000 won and placed it in the table "keep the change" Taehyung said

The two entered inside "wait sir where's the kid?" the lady asked looking at them

Taehyung smiled and showed her Jungkook who just keep on whining and a pout on his face

The lady forced a smile and went back on her business

The two removed thier shoes placed them in a rack and Taehyung went inside and Jungkook reluctantly went inside

"alright let's go to the slide?" Taehyung suggested, Jungkook nods and the two climbed to the top to go the slide

Taehyung holding Jungkook's hand while climbing up

Once they reached the top thetwo sat down beside hands still interwined

The two looked at each other, one worried and the other happy

Jungkook don't even know why his face became worried

This just looks childish

Besides that the two slides down fron the slide, both have smiles in the face

They did do it again

And again

And again

And again

And again

The two has bright smiles in there faces as the two slides together

After they slides from the slide Jungkook ran away kinda like trying to let Taehyung chase him

"yah! Kim Taehyung catch me!!" Jungkook basically yelled, Taehyung looked at him and chased him while Jungkook basically ran away from him with all the cost

The two were pretty giggling, smile ever so brightly

Until Taehyung got his waist making the two stumbled back, both fall

Jungkook's back was in Taehyung's hard chest

His breathing got slow when he felt Taehyung's hot breaths in his nape

Until Jungkook came into his senses that the position they are look like they're couples so Jungkook suddenly Jumped up

Jungkook stumbled forward, and faced Taehyung who has his elbows propped in the bouncy thing as he looked at him like he wanted to eat him

Jungkook breathed air and looked back at him "you know what let's just go to the lab and make our perfumes" Jungkook suggested and walked out of the bouncy slide leaving a smirking taehyung

After putting thier shoes and saying goodbye to the lady which kept eyeing them since they entered the bouncy slide

And now they are in Taehyung's MG6 car, if you're wondering how the heck they got a car well Taehyung called his driver and then gave him 50,000 won tell him to shop things and use a cab to go back home 

Jungkook's daily habit in the cars is looking out at the window, seeing how bright blue the sky is, seeing how tall the buildings are, seeing how people walk and ran to each other

Nourishing the beauty of earth

Jungkook didn't notice that they were here when Taehyung shook his shoulders "you were  spacing out" Taehyung said looking at his warm hazelnut eyes

Jungkook gave him a warm smile, the door of the passengers seat was open by a guard

Jungkook looked at the guard gave him a small smile and walk out of the car with all his glory same goes to Taehyung

The two entered inside once again hearing the employers murmurs and whispers about them

And then walk in the elevator, pressed the 5th floor and the two patiently waiting for the elevator to open

Once they heard a ding! They walk out of the elevator pass some hallways until they saw a white door

Taehyung pushed the door open for them, the workers noticed the two, eyes widening and some smiling

Taehyung handed Jungkook a lab coat, the two wore thier lab coats

Taehyung walked to the head of the lab "hey Seulgi" Taehyung said, seulgi turned around to face the CEO of the company with a warm smile

"hello Mr. Kim how may I help you?" Seulgi asked as she felt some presence behind Taehyung so he titled her head to see Jungkook looking around

Her smile brightens and gave Taehyung a are-you-guys-in-a-relationship look

Taehyung shook his head "seulgi if you didn't know Natürlicher Duft is going to collab with us so please help Mr. Jeon here to formulate his preferred perfume scent" Taehyung said "oh sure Mr. Kim would you like Ms. Bae to help you on formulating yours as well?" Seulgi asked, Taehyung nods

"Irene Mr. Kim wants your help!"

Taehyung leaned to Jungkook ear "go on and do your thing" he whispered and slightly pushed Jungkook to Ms. Kang

And then they started the rest of the day working on thier new product


Third update guysss be happy I updated for the third time 😘 that means you need to vote not forcing you though 🙌
Also once again I changed the title of this book into all about your smell bcuz it kinda suit the story well?

anyways bye bye

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