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after new year Taehyung promised himself that this is the new him and he needs to moved on which worked and now he lived the rest of his life kind of happy. Sometimes Jungkook would pop in his mind and he'll suddenly frown.

"wow! CEO of Natürlicher Duft will expand here wow!" Taehyung heard, his eyebrows furrowing "Natalia" Natalia his assitant walk over towards him the tablet with the article still on the screen

"what's Natürlicher Duft?" he asked "its basically the trendy perfume country in the Philippines and they'll expand it here in korea so basically we have now are rival thus our stocks might became low because of the trending brand" Natalia explained Taehyung slowly nods

He can't just let this happen his mom will definitely kill him

"sure, please call my mom I will discuss this to her" Natalia nods and stormed away making sure to call Mrs. Kim

On the other hand of the world there is Jungkook a famous CEO of the trending perfume brand in the whole wide world because of thier natural scent

He also moved on from Taehyung's just don't mention his name or he'll broke down


He now owns the biggest perfume industry in Philippines and now they will expand to korea his country

Jungkook currently life is so successful, he knows how to speak english, tagalog, german, and french all of his business partnership languages

He currently has 1,000,000 or more dollars, his perfumes are really trending these days

"wow Jk you've been trending in twitter" Jimin his best best friend ever said showing him his phone

Jungkook hums as an answer "geez why don't you relax for a minute go to Boracay or Palawan to relax your muscles you've been working the whole month" Jimin said looking at him with a worried face

"don't worry Jimin, i'll make sure to take a rest after this. With you of course" Jimin clickes his tounge "great i'm going to book 2 rooms in Boracay" Jimin said a smile crept in his face "why two? I tought two beds are in one room?" Jungkook asked

"its for me and yoongles" He said and chuckled, Jungkook rolling his eyes and he countinue his paper works

"they love this company due to thier natural and everyday scent so of course we should do the same thing" His mother Mrs. Kim said

Taehyung nods "oh by the way Ms. Sha wanted the both of us to attend a museum in Philippines next week so after your work go pack up since we'll go tomorrow" Mrs. Kim said

"yeah. Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Taehyung asked "why will I tell you yesterday if she told me about it today?" Mrs. Kim asked back, Taehyung rolled his eyes and he focused more on his paper works "also aren't you going to shoo me out?" she asked

"great you reminded me, ok now mom go away shoo shoo" Taehyung said and shooed her

Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes and left his office

After his stressing work, he goes home ofcourae and  grabbed his clothes and shoved it in his suitcase not bothering to fold it properly he's too tired you know

After putting his toothbrush inside he throwed the suitcase down and plop himself in his bed not bothering to change his clothes and he drift to dreamland

The three finally arrived into Boracay, they went into thier hotel with many girls sqealing or drooling over them

You know Philippines when girls saw hot guys they would totally drool or sqeal especially if you're korean

Jungkook ignored all of those

They've arrived into thier hotel, Jungkook placed his bag somewhere and he went straight into the rooms plopping himself, face first

His eyes are ready to shut when his phone started buzzing in his pocket, he let out and groan and turn over himself. He fished his phone answering the call right away not even bothering who the heck it is


"hey uhmm Ms. Sha invites you into her perfume museum its near here so what?" a familiar voice said Jungkook knows to well

"sure sure but what time?"

"she said 6 how about we go there in 7?"

"hmm we still have 4 hours cool"

"great bye"

Jimin hunged up, they'll probably fuck in those 4 hours

Taehyung finally survived those monsters aka the girls that keep on sqealing and drooling or sometimes following him

He walked inside his room and the first thing he hears is the sound of high pitched moans

What the heck. Geez my neighbours are wild

He placed his suitcase in the corner and went into his room he saw a paper bag and a paper beside it

Taehyung grabbed what's inside and saw a couple of perfumes from Natürlicher Duft and thier company

He smelled thier rival brands perfume and Taehyung would lie of the smell didn't let him miss Jungkook

He shook those thoughts off and placed the perfume down with thiers as well

He looked at his watch "3 more hours" he murmured and grabbed his phone to take a selfie cuz why not

The moans got louder when he was about to shut his eyes

He heaved a sigh and went into the attached kitchen and grab something to eat specifically an apple

Which he found out fake when he tried to bite it

He grumbled and throwed the apple back to where it belongs

Taehyung walks back to his room and he heard a high pitched scream

"oh my god is the walls so thin?!" he asked to no one actually and he pressed his ear in the wall just to test it out on how thin these walls are not having a boner

"ah! Hey! Babe! Ah! Oh my god! You fUck mE greAaaTt" Taehyung wanted to remove his ears now until "lets ah! Yeah that one! Fuck! Lets leave koo ah!! In the museum" the voice behind panted

"you fuckers you won't leave me in the museum alone I can hear you! You disgusting persons!" that familiar voice he desperately wanted to hear

Even though he's saying vulgar words he didn't care he just love his voice

The voice of Jungkook


Finally some good comedy shit 🤓👍🏻

Oh and its a triple update 😱 shocking right?

Great bye!

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