Thor: the sweetest little husky

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Thor had been out of the doggy hospital for a day now and was acting more like a regular puppy. Actively jumping on everything and licking everyone. His piercing blue eyes were just the cutest things as he would play with Ali and Ryan on set. They continued the process of reading lines and getting ready for final shooting.

David and Sasha took note of their on screen chemistry to be posted on social media later. Sasha found herself sharing some chemistry with Ryan as well. She wasn't expecting it but he asked "Would you care to go exploring with me? I usually go by myself but I heard you haven't been here before."

Sasha smiled agreeably "Sure! I've seen photos from your previous filming trips up here. It's so beautiful."

Ryan grabbed her hand and showed her to a path. Sasha felt something when he touched her hand but did not think anything of it at the time. Sure she found him attractive but she wasn't exactly looking for a man. She was focusing on her writing and from the scenery, she was getting majorly inspired for her next piece.

She had no clue at that moment what that would lead to. Or who she would work with next. Sasha was going to be in for a treat.


Once the adventure was over, Sasha began typing this story "Sean leaned in to reveal just how deeply he cared for the gorgeous woman in front of him. With voluptuous curves, deep blue eyes, luscious lips, and a dazzling smile. His mind, heart, soul and body were overtaken with this immense desire to make her his in every way possible."

This little excerpt brought a tingly sensation to Sasha as she thought about that man who entered the animal hospital when she picked up Thor. His eyes were kind and gorgeous, his smile was barely evident but she had seen it on prior occasions, his lips were oh so inviting and his muscular definition brought an extra bit of excitement to her mind. This only fed her interest in continuing her story.

That is until she got a text from Ryan asking "Hey where are you?"

Sasha broke her concentration from her laptop to reply "Um, I'm at home. In New York."

Ryan got a little disappointed but asked "When are you coming back to Los Angeles?"

Sasha thought about it for a moment "Um... When I'm done with my next story. Not sure when that will be."

Ryan asked "Oh? Is anyone interested in what you have so far?"

Sasha smiled at her phone "Actually I haven't gotten enough written to show anyone. I'm just hoping someone will."

Ryan texted back "Well I am sure someone will. Your writing is on a level that needs to be seen by the world."

Sasha felt like he was flirting but inadvertently. Not that she minded but again, she was not looking for a man.


A week later, Sasha finished her next writing piece and printed it off. She flew out to LA and didn't tell anyone. In Chicago, she ran into a man. She recognized his face and asked "Didn't I see you before?"

The man looked at her and smiled "I was bringing my dog into a clinic."

Sasha said curiously "I hope he's okay now."

The handsome man told her "Yes he is. Sadly he's at home and I'm on my way to London to film a movie."

Sasha noticed her script had fallen on the ground and the man helped her pick it up "Whoa. You're a writer?"

She grazed his hand before taking most of the pages back leaving him with that tingly scene she had written. Not telling him he had inspired that description.

He introduced himself "I'm Chris. I would love to talk to you later about that script."

Sasha smiled back "Thanks! When do you get back?"

Chris let them sync numbers so they could contact each other easily.


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