Somebody's Watching Me

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Sasha was wanting to relax at home with her family and was able to do so...for a while. Chris was doing some game with the kids and Bella was laughing at everything he did. She giggled so hard "Daddy is so silly." Sasha looked over at them smiling thinking all was good in her life. She suddenly heard a noise but did not see anyone. She searched the house and noticed nothing was out of place nor was it open. All the doors were closed and windows as well. She was so confused and wondered if she was hallucinating.

Chris continued playing with Bella and watching little Chris play with blocks "Bella, go give mommy a hug. I think she could use one." Bella walked over to her mom and wrapped her little arms around her pregnant waist "Mama you look sad. Will a hug help?" Sasha smiled down at her little girl "Of course baby, I always love your hugs. They are the best other than daddy's." Chris watched them hug and snuggle which did not seem to help her out at all. He then got up and walked around the house... he saw nothing. He opened the door and gasped "Babe, we have a problem."

Sasha approached the door to see a black rose sitting in a box which never symbolized anything good "Holy crap. Who left that there?" Chris checked for a note but did not see one. He told his wife "Stay inside... I will go check and see if anyone is outside." Sasha grabbed Bella and little Chris to hide in the bedroom. She sat there quietly thinking she was going to die. That someone wanted to kill her. Black roses had dark meanings and this one had blood on it.

Bella got worried and hugged her mom while they sat in the bedroom under the blankets. Bella shook with fear asking "Mommy, what is going on?" Sasha held her little girl close "Daddy is checking to see what is happening. Someone left a weird 'gift' for mommy by the front door." Little Chris looked up at Bella and cried to be held by his daddy who was checking the house. Anxiety got the better of him thinking something was terribly wrong and Sasha did not know what took him so long. She walked downstairs and noticed he was passed out on the back deck being licked in the face by Dodger and Thor. She leaned down to touch his neck and check his pulse "Babe? Wake up! Chris? Chris?"

She did this for five minutes and he would not respond which scared Sasha to death. Her mind went blank with fear and she lost her own breath. Chris suddenly opened his eyes to find that Sasha was gone and the kids were in the bed by themselves. He looked all over for Sasha and it freaked him out all over again. He had no idea that the person who left that rose had done something to his wife. His pregnant wife who was carrying his twins.


Sasha opened her eyes to find herself chained to a wall of a dark room. She called out "Chris? Bella? CR? Whoever you are let me go... I am pregnant and I want my husband." The mysterious stranger told her "You have ignored my messages for the last few months and I can't let you leave. Not until I get what I want." Sasha asked "What do you want from me?" The stranger explained "You will not leave until your body is unrecognizable to your husband and kids."

Sasha had this overwhelming fear take over and she froze in place. She heard him say he would not let Chris see her again alive. He was a scary person and she wanted to be back at home. She would give anything to be back at home. Able to finish her movie with her man and her daughter.


Chris got so nervous he dialed 911 which rang for what seemed like hours... "My wife is missing. I think she has a stalker. We have been getting crazy messages in the last few months on twitter, Instagram and Facebook now she got bloody roses on our doorstep. I went to check out who left them and my anxiety made me pass out. Once I woke up I noticed she was gone." The woman asked "Is your address ****?" Chris answered "Yes. My kids are extremely scared that they will never see her again. She is pregnant and I know she is not supposed to have this amount of stress."

Chris waited for the detectives to arrive at his home when he heard a car door slam. He answered the door and saw two detectives from the LAPD "This is what was left earlier." He showed them the spot he believed his wife was taken from and they checked for fibers, hair, blood, DNA, etc "Go inside with your family and we will examine the property for any proof she was grabbed."

Chris' phone rang and he nervously picked it up "Hello?" The voice on the other end demanded "If you want to see your wife again... Alive... I need 2.5 million by noon tomorrow! Otherwise the next time you see her, she will be in little pieces." Chris shouted "Hurt my wife and you're fucking dead!"
The voice told him "Just for that I'm going to."


Sasha watched the mysterious stranger begin to undress in front of her and she fought him off with everything she had in her. He overpowered her with a slash to her throat and she couldn't scream or say a word. She hoped to God she would wake up and find out this was some horrible nightmare. His scarred body moving from on top on hers as she was tied up and left for dead.


Chris heard the phone end the call and he wondered why the idiot would do this. He hoped the man would call again only this time with help from the police. The two detectives walked in to tell him "We finished our job... What was that call?" Chris sighed "The asshole who has my wife. He asked for $2.5 million by tomorrow or she's dead. He also did not like my tone so he promised she would be hurt."

The detectives went to the car and grabbed the tracing tech and hooked it up to his phone when he suddenly got a second call "Your bitch wife can't speak now and I would not expect your twins to survive." Chris tried to remain calm but it was not something he could easily do "What did you do to her?"

The man answered "I slit her throat so she can't make any noise. She is a dirty little bitch that needs to be silenced." Chris' anger rose and he screamed "I will fucking kill you, you sick bastard!" The man told him "Is that any way to speak with the LAPD listening?" Chris shouted again "I don't fucking care who is listening."

The detective whispered "We have a location." Chris kept the asshole talking and they left to go find the place Sasha was being held. He finally heard a 'We got her' comment on the other end as well as 'He is dead' spoken by the cops. Chris was relieved that this idiot was now deceased and his wife was rescued.


Will the babies be okay?

Will Sasha ever get her voice back?

Will Chris and Sasha drift apart?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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