The birthday gift

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Sasha woke up in the middle of the night feeling this intense pressure on her belly and legs. She screamed "CHRIS... I need help."

He opened his eyes and asked "What's wrong baby?"

Sasha groaned "Ugh... It's too soon. Something does not feel right."

Chris woke up his mother and then grabbed Sasha from the bed. His mother grabbed her bag and they drove to the Emergency Room. He parked and rushed her inside. A nurse asked "What's wrong?"

Chris said "She is six months pregnant and has some spotting. She woke up panicking twenty minutes ago and feeling a lot of pressure."

The nurse brought her to a room and took her vitals "Sasha? Open your eyes."

She was losing blood and consciousness while the nurse hooked her up to a fetal heart monitor. "Mr Evans, we need to do an emergency cesarean section on your wife. It may seem like a scary thing but your daughter does have a chance of surviving."

He went into the room holding her hand while they performed the surgery to fix her blood loss and deliver the baby. Chris felt relief knowing his mom was there at this extremely nerve wracking time.

Once back in the recovery room he sat there holding Sasha's hand and talked to his mom "Is she going to be okay?"

Lisa Evans looked at her son "I do not know for sure but just keep up the positivity. She needs all she can get. Both of them. Your daughter is in need of strength and your wife needs all the energy possible."

Hours and hours passed by before he felt his hand move. Sasha had woken up and asked frantically "Where is my baby? Where is she?"

Chris tried to calm her down "She is in the NICU! She has a bunch of tubes and wires connected to her tiny little body."

He showed her a photo he was able to take and she sighed "Is she going to be okay?"

Chris kissed her hand "She will be. We have to believe that."

Sasha cried thinking about her little girl not breathing on her own. She so wanted to see her but knew she could not even get up and move around yet. Lisa talked to her as Chris went to see his little girl through the little incubator she was in. He carefully reached for her tiny little fingers "I am your daddy and I love you so much! Your mommy is resting down the hall and can't wait to see you. You need to get strong for her okay?"

As an emotional guy, he broke down in the room with tears flowing down his cheeks. A nurse came to his aid and helped him up. She brought him back to Sasha's room and suggested he take it easy. The situation was extremely stressful and would cause anyone pain. Lisa took his hand as well as her daughter in laws and silently prayed for their health and well being. Chris grew up that way, but eventually found himself believing other things. Having been to India, he felt more like that was the truth. For him anyway. As for Sasha, she was closer to what Lisa believed but more personal. More laid back. Less official...

She was awake and silently made her own prayer for her little miracle. Her eyes were flooded with tears and her cheeks were flushed red. Chris kissed her hand "Baby, she will be alright. I know it!"


Sasha's 38th birthday came and went before the baby finally was able to leave the hospital. Chris asked "You never told me the name!"

Sasha picked up her sweet angel "Bella Marie Evans."

Chris smiled as he watched his two special ladies exit the hospital and said "She is the perfect gift. She was born on my birthday and left the hospital on yours!"

Bella began crying and screaming which to them was the best sound they could ever possibly hear at that moment. She told Chris "She is completely beautiful and a miracle!"

Chris helped little Bella into the car seat and placed the bag in the seat next to her. He helped Sasha get in the car and drove them home.

He parked in the driveway and carried Bella inside to be met by Thor and Dodger. He set her down in the bassinet and helped Sasha inside. She was able to do things by herself but Chris did not want her over exerting herself anyway.


Is Sasha really okay?

Is Bella going to remain healthy?

Will Chris ever get a second baby?

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