What it takes... To plan a wedding

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Chris asked his bride to be after their dinner with Ryan and Kara "When do you want to marry me?"

Sasha looked into his eyes "You know I have no idea. We should definitely look into to what dates work for both of us though."

Chris looked at what days he already had booked and told her "I am free from December 23rd until January 5th!"

Sasha looked at her schedule and said "What are we doing about Christmas?"

Chris said "Hopefully bringing our families together and having a Christmas wedding. Boston? Chicago? New York?"

Sasha said "We could do New York City. They do have great lights and the tree at Rockefeller. But I would rather go to Disney World. Since I have not been there yet."

Chris raised his brow again "That might just be the best reason to go to Disney I have ever heard!"

He proceeded to make a plan for invitations and save the date cards. With a photo of them at Disney land from their 2 month anniversary. He included the time and date in his mock plan. She said "You know I have this awesome and kind of crazy idea. I mean you did finally get the suit."

Chris asked "What idea is it? Wedding theme?"

Sasha said "I want to get married to you at Disney but you need to wear the Winter soldier suit!"

Chris smirked "Only if you make yourself look like Peggy!"

Sasha laughed a little "Oh of course babe! That is exactly what I was thinking! Shall I find a 40's style gown or go current?"

Chris grabbed her waist "Whatever you want to wear! That is up to you!"

Sasha said "Okay I will surprise you then."

Chris pulled her closer for a kiss "So I don't suppose you have changed your mind yet have you?"

Sasha jokingly said "I have no clue what you are referring to. Please elaborate."

Chris said "You know exactly what I am talking about."

Sasha said "Oh that. Yeah... No!"

Chris whined like a 5 year old for a second "Why not?"

Sasha laughed at his reaction "Let me put it to you this way... Until we have matching rings... This is off limits" pointing to her entire body.

He still took it as a challenge but felt less likely to complete it. Sasha kissed his lips for a split second before slapping his perfect ass and walking away. Chris did enjoy watching her walk away from him and was turned on seeing her juicy butt shake with every step.


Suddenly it was his 38th birthday and Sasha had surprised him with a cake. A cake made by a special baker named the Cake Boss. It had words describing his connection to everyone at his party she secretly planned "Brother, son, nephew, uncle, sweetheart, Disney freak, etc..."

Along with the Captain America shield, a ring, a photo of him and Sasha made from sugar sheets, plus a chocolate mold of Dodger and Thor.

He gasped at how amazing it looked "Sasha how did you do this?"

The man himself came out of hiding and said "She got my help!"

Chris knew who it was and how awesome his cakes were. He thanked Buddy and gave him an excited hug. He then realized it was not just a birthday cake. It was an engagement party cake as well.

Chris wrapped his arms around Sasha for a moment "God I love you!"

Sasha smiled and kissed him "I love you too!"

Everyone realized how happy they were and asked "So when is the wedding?"

Chris spoke up "December 24th at 11:00 pm! Disney World near Cinderella's castle. As for the theme... That's a secret."

Scott asked "And why so late in the day?"

Sasha chimed in "So we can be officially marred on Christmas Day."

Shanna asked "Why not just get married on Christmas Day?"

Chris said "Because that is not what she wants."

Sasha talked to her man and turned on some music "We should work on a song."

Chris told her "Well when we met they were playing the song 'Lady' from Kenny Rogers and Lionel Richie."

Sasha perked her eyes and ears "Then I guess we should use that one."

He did not tell her that he had a surprise in place already. She could tell he was up to something and tried to get him to spill it. Chris said "No! I am not telling you anything."

Sasha pouted "Come on baby. Please?"

Chris told her sternly "NO!"

She tried to force it out of him with a kiss but that did not prove to be successful.


What is Chris planning for the wedding to surprise the love of his life?

Will the planning go off without any major issues?

Will Sasha resort to sex to get the secret from Chris?

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