The surprise of her life

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After assembling the cast members for filming their movie... Chris had been dating Sasha for seven months and was extremely in love with her. For her mind, her soul, her heart, and her body. He had not experienced her yet physically but her spirit kept him from complaining about that. He may have complained a little bit but not that much.

Sasha filmed every scene with everyone and once it was down to filming that simulated sex scene she felt Chris reach down under her head. She did not have this in the script and wondered if he was ad libbing a line or something. Cameras still rolling, he looked into her eyes with sensual gaze and kissed her left hand "Sasha Marie Graves... You are the most amazing woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You would think that our difference on certain political issues would cause us to separate yet I can't imagine my life without you in it. Ever since that crash meeting in the airport I could not stop thinking about you, your writing, or your beauty. I want to spend the rest of my life making you realize how special you are to me. Will you be my wife?"

Sasha gasped and knew he was serious. He was proposing in a romantic yet awkward manner and she loved it. Her eyes remained locked with his and attempting to halt any tears from flowing down her cheeks "Yes! Christopher Robert Evans I will marry you!"

He sighed in relief that she had accepted and gave her a sweet kiss. The camera was now turned off and the footage of the proposal was then taken separately from the film footage and placed on a drive and disc for personal viewing. Sasha got so excited she texted Ryan as he was her neighbor "So I'm engaged!"

Ryan texted back "Remember the girl I worked with on that movie? She decided we are sharing a dog named Oliver. He is a really cute Jack Russell Terrier she got at a rescue shelter."

Sasha texted "Oh wow! Congrats! How long have you been dating Kara?"

Ryan responded "For the last five months. We began dating the day we met at the call back."

Sasha was thrilled for Ryan knowing this girl was obviously amazing. She asked "Hey so how about we have a double date tomorrow?"

Ryan texted Kara and asked if that was okay with her and then he responded to Sasha "Sure! What place?"

Sasha suggested a steakhouse as she was totally craving steak. Chris did not realize why she was but then asked "Are you on your cycle? You always want a lot of beef during that week."

Sasha had just gone to the bathroom while texting Ryan and told him "Yes! As of five minutes ago."

Ryan got a reply as to which steakhouse she planned to go to the next day and he talked to Kara. She said "Sure! I would love to get to know her and meet her hubby to be."


After a wonderful night of talking and finally sleeping, Sasha woke up in the arms of her man "Did you sleep here last night?"

Chris looked down into her eyes "Yes! So what time are we meeting them tonight?"

Sasha looked at her phone "7! You might want to go home and give me time to prepare myself."

Chris did not know why she needed eight hours to herself but went along with it. He left her apartment and gave her a chance to chill in her bubble bath spa and have some 'me time' without him. She had a chilled glass of champagne celebrating her engagement while soaking in the jets and bubbles imagining what kind of life she could have with him.

She did not notice the time when her phone buzzed repeatedly "Babe we have to meet them in thirty minutes."

She quickly jumped out of the tub and dried off. She grabbed the outfit from her closet before running out the door. With about two minutes to spare she made it to the restaurant and checked in. Ryan Kara and Chris were already there. She apologized "Babe, I completely lost track of time. Sorry I'm so behind."

Chris placed his hand on her back kissing her cheek "You made it prior to seven so it does not matter."

Ryan helped Kara into her seat and Chris did the same for Sasha. Kara reached out her hand "You must be the writer living next door to Ryan."

Sasha shook her hand "Yes! So how was the movie?"

Kara smiled "I am a pretty strong person in real life but playing the desperate princess in the French 1400's was pretty fun. Gave me a chance to do something out of the ordinary. How was it filming yours?"

Sasha and Chris looked at each other "It was this script that brought us together in the first place. Then it got us closer until the filming was over last night and then he surprised me with a proposal."

Kara smiled obviously giving ideas to Ryan and said "That is amazing. Sometimes it really is that moment you never expect that brings you the thing you needed most."

Kara asked Chris "So, any hints on how the movie ends?"

Having worked for Disney and Marvel for years he said "No. If you want to know how the story ends watch the movie. It comes out in six months."


Will Ryan eventually propose to Kara?

Is Sasha going to remain quiet about the ending of her movie?

Is Chris going to motivate her into having sex before the wedding?

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