A Christmas Surprise

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As Sasha and Chris celebrated their first anniversary, Bella was on her mamas lap and did one wrong move that made Sasha get up and puke. This day was their anniversary of getting married as well as conceiving Bella. Chris wondered if it was a fluke or if she could possibly be pregnant again. He had not seen her use any feminine products recently and that had only happened once before. When she was pregnant with Bella.

He immediately called the doctor and asked "Should I be worried? My wife is vomiting a lot again."

The doctor told him "If it continues for more than three days I would bring her in."

Chris thought about it and it had already been six "What if it has been six days already?"

The doctor said "Bring her in to the hospital. I will meet you there."

He rushed his new family to the hospital and met up with her doctor "Is she pregnant again? She has not used anything for months."

Doctor Leigh took her into an exam room and gave her an ultrasound. She pointed to the screen and said "Six weeks! Was this planned?"

Chris said "Not really, but we both wanted another baby."

Sasha added "I am hoping for a boy. I have no clue what he is hoping for."

Chris laughed a little "I will take a healthy baby. Preferably born closer to his or her due date."

Sasha said "Well I can't control when the baby decides to make an entrance. I can try to do things but I do not think I have complete control."

Chris talked to his wife and Dr Leigh "Maybe instead of exploring everything you should take Bella and chill outside writing. You don't need to be quite so active."

Sasha gasped "Are you saying I did too much? I caused myself to get on bed rest?"

Chris hated to blame anyone but knew it was true "Yes!"

Sasha gave him a deadly look and he said "Hey don't hate me. I just said the truth. You did over exert yourself a lot."

Dr Leigh stated "I will let you two talk and go check on another patient. Just remember to keep stress to a minimum."

Sasha said "Does that include excitement?"

Dr Leigh asked "Such as?"

Sasha answered "My husband walking around naked all the time. Staring at me."

Dr Leigh exclaimed "Ah. I would say try to keep anything to a minimum. Does writing excite you? You may want to keep that limited to non sexual scenes."

Sasha felt so flustered about this and like she was being controlled. Part of her did not actually like being pregnant again. It put too much strain on her physically but she wanted the baby. Chris held her hand and kissed it before wrapping his arms around her waist "Everything will be okay. Bella was alright and this baby will be too."

Sasha felt trapped because she loved her husband but he did things to her mentally and made her lose control of her emotions. He never did any of it on purpose and it drove her insane. She needed to feel his body next to hers but she was told to limit interactions. She was lying on the exam table and ignored the doctors orders. She pulled Chris on top of her feeling his lips against hers.

With their clothes on, he slipped his hard as a rock d*+k into her slowly yet so deep. Her manicured fingernails slid under his shirt and dug into his back. Just as they were finishing, Dr Leigh came back and knocked on the door "Hello? Is everything okay in there?"

Chris fixed his clothing and covered Sasha up before answering "Yes. We are fine."

She walked in the room and caught on that something happened but obviously no one wanted to talk about it "Here is everything you need to do this time around. You will need a prenatal."

Sasha had one in mind that she needed to order from a friend. She left the hospital with Chris and Bella. Chris told her as they walked in the house "I needed that. I probably should not have done it, but I love you and I was going crazy."


Will this child be okay?

Will it be a boy or girl?

Is Sasha going to endanger herself and the unborn baby by fulfilling her sexual desires and urges?

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