The birth of James Paevey

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After further testing, Sasha learned she had nothing wrong. It was a mistake and all she had to deal with was morning sickness. She texted Ryan "How are you two doing?"

Kara took his phone "This is Kara. I am on my way to the ER. My water broke a few minutes ago."

Sasha asked "Which hospital?"

Kara replied with her location and she said "What? I just finished an appointment there. We will meet you okay?"

Ryan took his phone back "Thanks! How did your honeymoon go?"

Sasha said "Horrible! I was sick the whole time. Plus we had a delayed flight, had two awful rooms before we got a good one, and so much other crap."

Ryan texted "We are pulling up. Meet us in the emergency department."

Sasha and Chris walked over to the ED and met up with Ryan and Kara. Sasha noticed a sparkle coming off her hand "Are you engaged?"

Kara was breathing heavily but still managed to answer "Yes! He asked me on New Year's Eve!"

Sasha was excited for her "Well I have some news too! We just figured out why I was sick the whole time we were in France!"

Ryan asked "What would that be?"

Chris tried to stay quiet to let his wife give the announcement and almost spoiled it. Sasha said grinning "We are having a baby!"

After seventeen grueling hours of labor, Kara gave birth to a little boy. Sasha noticed how adorable he was and said "Is it just me or does he look a lot like baby James from the soap?"

Ryan spoke up "Well she does resemble Maxie a lot. Her personality is very spunky yet generous. Similar to the 2017 era."

Sasha knew what he meant and said "Oh yeah. For sure. I am so happy for both of you!"

Chris wrapped his arms around Sasha's waist holding her belly "I finally get my own baby. Literally all of my friends and family have kids."

Sasha was thinking of what name she would use if she had a boy and what name she would use if it was a girl. She told Chris "I figured out a name for either one. I will keep it a surprise for now."

Kara thought about what she said before and when the nurse walked in "I want his name to be James Nathaniel Paevey-Vlieger."

Ryan loved the name and kissed Kara on the forehead "He is such a sweet adorable boy" looking at Sasha and Chris "I kind of hope you two have a girl first."

Chris figured out what he meant by that and thought about what life would be like having a daughter. He had worked with girl actresses before and played a father to one... Which went well and he loved his niece. He told Sasha "I would love a daughter. I also really want to know what you would name her."

Sasha snickered "Baby, I said it was a surprise. I won't even hint at it until we know if it is a girl or boy."


Seven weeks after the birth of baby James, Chris offered to babysit to let Ryan and Kara have a night to themselves. Little James was thrilled to have three dogs in one place. He had also decided to take Oliver off their hands. James played on the floor grabbing their fur and resting his head on their bellies. Chris watched the baby to make sure he was breathing properly and didn't choke on the dogs fur.

Sasha smiled at him "Ok what are you thinking about?"

Chris said "That I really want to be a dad already. Also that I do believe you are carrying a little girl."

Sasha kissed his cheek "Really? I hope it is a girl!"


After months of babysitting, Sasha finished writing this story about a single father who had the hardest time caring for his little princess.

Chris read her piece and kissed her from behind "This is amazing baby. So, now that we know it is a girl are you going to give me any hints on a name."

Sasha said "One. It means beautiful!"

Chris looked up names that meant beautiful and found at least ten. He knew she would never admit which one until she was born so he did not even bother asking. He did however say "Well the names I saw listed all seem great."

Sasha asked "So you are 39 tomorrow. What do you want for your birthday?"

Chris said "Whatever my beautiful wife wants to give me."

Sasha smiled "Okay. Can't you be more specific?"

Chris said "No! You can give me anything and I will be happy!"

Sasha said "Oh by the way your mom is coming tomorrow! She is very interested in helping me right now."

Chris said "Well you are six months pregnant and can use help doing certain tasks. You are on bed rest after all."


Will Sasha be okay with his mothers help?

Will Chris get a special surprise gift?

Will something bad happen to their little girl?

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