Ending the tour

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As the tour winded down Sasha grew more and more nervous that she would not be able to handle a third baby. That she would not be able to stay active in Chris' life. She let out this scream "Everything sucks!"

Someone walked up to her and placed their hand on her shoulder "Sasha, everything does not suck. You have done amazing on this tour and Chris is lucky to have you in his life."

Sasha turned to see Adam standing there trying to comfort her and she asked "What makes you say that?"

Adam cleared his throat "Well aside from what I walked in that one day, you never forget to show him your love and you wrote a song for your daughter. Your family knows how much they mean to you. I often question myself touring and doing things separate from Bee and the kids on a daily basis but then I see their faces and remember why I'm doing it in the first place. I don't do this for myself, I do it for them."

Sasha heard his words and gave him a hug "Thanks Adam! Also thanks for not mentioning what exactly you saw."

Adam promised her that day he would never repeat the details of what he momentarily saw. Not that he had actually paid attention, but he knew. He caught a momentary glimpse of naked bodies thrashing together.

Chris texted his wife "Bella and I are down the road helping little Chris take a nap. We will be back later. We love you!"

Sasha replied to her man "I love you! All of you! I don't say it enough. You guys are my everything. The reason I continue to do anything. Writing, singing, acting, all of it. I feel so much better about this baby today."

Chris wondered if she was truly okay or if she needed a hug "Are you sure you're okay?"

Sasha texted back "Yes! Enjoy your walk. Me and this baby are chilling on stage. Rehearsing a new song for the last show."


For her final song she started singing emotionally "You are my love, my life, my everything... I need you to know that no matter what... I am always for you. Always for us. As our home grows, my love grows with it."

Chris and the kids were right there listening and watching knowing she was singing about her life with him. Everything they had, everything they were going to have. Sasha ended her song and walked over to Chris announcing on stage "This tour has been amazing and this man has been at my side for the whole thing" kissing his lips for a moment "I love you Chris!"

He blushed a little having been on stage which wouldn't seem strange but it was different than acting. After they got off stage, he carried his pregnant wife to the car and drove home. Bella said "Mommy is tired."

Chris agreed with his daughter "Yes she is. Tomorrow we go begin the movie. Lets have mommy rest for a bit."

As he pulled in the driveway, Thor and Dodger met them happily waiting for them to be back.

Chris played with both dogs for a few minutes and Bella kissed her mom for a second "Good night mommy."

Chris and the kids went in the backyard staring up at the sky counting stars and getting licked by the dogs. Little Chris laughed as he felt his nose get licked by Dodger and Thor simultaneously. Bella smiled when she saw her brother play with them. Chris enjoyed the sight of his kids loving the two dogs so much.

Sasha was inside the house sleeping until she had the urge to get a snack. She went to the fridge to grab items for a sundae when Chris went to get a drink. He wrapped his arms around his wife kissing her neck "I see you're up baby."

Sasha moaned quietly "I need food baby."

Chris offered to make her that sundae while still peeking out at the kids and dogs. Sasha watched her man while also peeking out at the kids. He grabbed a spoon to feed her. She knew he was paying attention to the kids and felt a mess on her cheek and chin. She then exclaimed "You better clean my face."

Chris kissed her chin and cheek licking off the sticky mess before going back outside to get the kids. Sasha ate her sundae slowly so by the time Chris finished with the kids, he would be able to see her. He stepped back into the kitchen to see her slowly taking bites. He moved his hand over her breasts gliding down her body. Sasha felt his hand slip between her panties and skirt whispering in her ear "I thought all you wanted was food."


Does the pregnant Sasha want her husband in the kitchen?

Will she be okay to film in coming days?

Will scenes be simulated or real?

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